Overflowing Your Heart Chakra

Crystal Abeel
Rainbows and Unicorns
4 min readNov 22, 2020

You know that moment at the end of a long day, when you are finally climbing into the bathtub . . . the water is perfect and you can let the stress of the day melt away . . . and you surrender in bliss, knowing this is exactly where you need to be?

This is what an overflowing heart feels like!

Our heart chakra is the center of our energy system. When it is open, full of energy, and balanced with the rest of our system, it feels like love, compassion, and bliss.

Imagine our heart chakra is as big as a bathtub, and the energy in our heart is like water. We want our bathtub to be overflowing with warm water at all times!

As a culture, we have been taught that “good” people give, give, and give some more. When we give from our heart, it is like dipping a ladle into our bathtub and giving out a scoop there, there, and there. Many of us keep giving until our bathtubs are empty. And most of us have not been taught how to receive, or where to receive from.

But we can learn to receive unlimited amounts of energy to keep our hearts full and overflowing!

Just like a bathtub has two main faucets for filling it with hot and cold water, our heart has two main sources of energy: our root chakra and our crown chakra.

Our root chakra is like a hot water faucet. It pulls Earth energy up into our energy system. This energy is hot, heavy, and nurturing. It feels very safe and supportive. Every time we bring our awareness to the present moment and ground ourselves, we are pulling more Earth energy into our heart.

Our crown chakra is like a cold water faucet. It pulls God energy down into our energy system. This energy is cold, light, and buoyant. It feels very calming and lifting. Every time we bring our awareness to the bigger picture and have faith in something beyond ourselves, we are pulling more God energy into our heart.

At the point of convergence, in our heart, the hot energy from our root chakra and the cool energy from our crown chakra combine to create warmth and love. Ideally, to get the most perfectly warm heart, we want our heart chakra to be filling at all times with equal amounts of root and crown energy. When we find the right balance of hot and cold, heavy and light, supporting and lifting, then our heart has ample energy to be open and shine bright.

A balanced heart feels similar to a warm bath. We are neither cold, nor hot. We are neither sinking, nor floating away. We are warm, comfortable, and suspended.

This is the balance of Yin and Yang. This is the harmony of the non-polarized energy of Source.

This is bliss.

When our heart is overflowing we might feel a warm-and-bubbly physical sensation in the center of our chest. This overflow often goes down our arms and into our hands — our palms might feel warm or tingly.

Most healers, empaths, and parents give more love and heart energy than they receive. Though we give to others, we do not need to receive from others. We can continue giving to everyone and everything, because we are always receiving energy from our root and crown, which keeps our heart overflowing.

Airline attendants say, “Put your oxygen mask on first, and then assist others.” Connecting our energy system to Earth and God is like putting on our oxygen mask. If we help others before connecting to our supply of energy, we might only be able to help a few people before “passing out”. But…

If we connect to our supply of energy first, then we can fill our heart to overflowing.

Only then are we truly equipped to help others.

We will no longer need to dip into our own life-force energy and drain our hearts; we can throw out our ladle and send our overflowing energy wherever it is needed.

If we want to give more, we first ask for more energy from above and below so that we have more overflow to share.

Our access to the energy we need to refill and overflow our heart is infinite. With practice, we can access this root and crown energy, and maintain a steady stream into our energy system. This will allow us to keep our heart overflowing at all times.

We can use this overflow to help ourselves and others to learn, grow, heal, and evolve. This overflow gives us the energy we need to raise our vibration and to expand our hearts.

💜🦄 Crystal



Crystal Abeel
Rainbows and Unicorns

I am a “spiritual playground attendant” for this beautiful and amazing Earth! I am here to support all spirits in expanding their awareness and finding joy!✨💛✨