Our Higher Purpose

Crystal Abeel
Rainbows and Unicorns
3 min readNov 22, 2020

by Crystal Abeel

Quite often, the people who seek out my energy healing services ask me to tell them what their life purpose is. This is a very valid question and has multiple answers.

For the answer, we can look at our third chakra. This energy center is located in our solar plexus, just below our sternum. This chakra governs our ego, as well as our joy and happiness. This is our “do” center. Our third chakra not only regulates our energy — so we have enough energy to get things done — but it also regulates our self-confidence and our purpose.

If our third chakra is too slow, then we might have zero self-confidence and self-worth, and feel like our actions can’t make a difference. We might not feel worthy of action, and be at risk of slipping into despair or depression. We might not “do” anything.

A slow third chakra might cause inaction or low self-worth

If our third chakra is too fast, then we might slip into ego, and believe that we are better than others, or that we are Superman and can save the whole world. We might try to “do” everything.

Fast third chakra might cause doing too much or overconfidence

Balance is somewhere in the middle. We must have enough confidence in ourselves to believe that we can make a difference, but also be humble enough to take the steps on our journey to make it happen. We must find the center between doing nothing and doing everything.

A balance third chakra might be self-worth, self-confidence, self-esteem

Not only do we have a purpose in this third-dimensional realm, but our spirit and our soul, and even our higher selves have purposes as well. In every moment we are receiving help from the bigger picture, guiding us through our third chakra. The Universe/God is lighting our path for us toward living in our purpose. The only thing we must do individually is to choose joy and happiness in each moment.

Our individual purpose IS our own joy and happiness, and it leads us to our higher purpose.

For example, if I focus on what brings me joy and happiness, this will lead me to helping others heal. But, if I only focus on helping others heal, this might not lead me to joy and happiness.

In each moment we are presented with multiple options. If we can bring your awareness to the present moment, and decide which of the options set before us offers a higher vibration — or rather, which one will bring us more joy and happiness — then we will always be on the path toward our higher purpose.

Again, the Universe/God guides us in every moment, through joy and happiness, to help us find our true purpose. At each opportunity, as long as we are making choices from a place of joy and happiness, we will stay on the right track.

We do not need to know our ultimate purpose in order to follow joy and happiness. This burden is lifted from us. We simply have the mindful task of choosing the option, in any present moment, that will raise our vibration more than another. Eventually, with each option we choose, we will raise our vibration high enough to reach our ultimate goal of living in our higher purpose.

So, if you are trying to figure out what your higher purpose is, start with what brings you joy in the present moment. If you are unsure of what brings you joy, try new things until you find something that resonates with you. Keep exploring. Give yourself permission. Have fun! Find joy!

💜🦄 Crystal



Crystal Abeel
Rainbows and Unicorns

I am a “spiritual playground attendant” for this beautiful and amazing Earth! I am here to support all spirits in expanding their awareness and finding joy!✨💛✨