Unable To Remove Sitecore Template

Rainfall Software
Rainfall Software
Published in
2 min readJan 31, 2023

Have you tried to delete a Sitecore template, only to be told that you’re unable to remove the template because the “template is used by at least one item”? There’s a simple way to get around this problem.

Photo by Jose Aragones on Unsplash

A template cannot be deleted while any items based on that template still exist. To proceed, you’re going to need to find those items and either remove them, or change them to a different template.

It can be hard to track down all these items, but fortunately Sitecore provides a handy tool to find all the instances of a template. In the Navigate tab in the editor ribbon, find the Links button:

Clicking this button will open up a dropdown showing all items that reference the current item (and all items referenced by it). With this information, you can quickly go through and delete or update the existing items.

If there’s a lot of these items, Sitecore Powershell might be a better option to delete the them.

