#raioninfluencer Rehman Deraiya: “Stock Baskets vs Mutual Funds: Which is the better investment vehicle”

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2 min readOct 7, 2022

People used to argue about whether to put their money in mutual funds or fixed deposits. Now, they argue about mutual funds vs. stock baskets and what may be the best choice when weighing the old stock baskets vs. mutual funds question.

What is a Stock Basket?

Mutual funds are becoming more and more popular among investors who want to get a better return on their money. But not everyone has enough money to put money directly into the stock market.

So, is there a way for a first-time investor to buy stocks? Investing in groups of stocks based on a theme?

Yes! Stock baskets. It gives investors a new way to invest in stocks directly instead of through mutual funds, but can Stock Basket take the place of mutual funds? Personally speaking, it can!!!

1. Having a portfolio of investments

Investing in stock baskets lets the investor keep track of their investments, plan withdrawals, and always know where their money is.

Mutual funds let investors choose between equity and debt, as well as any subject or sector, but they can’t change where their money is put.

​​2. Investment portfolio diversification

Stock baskets are a way to invest in a group of securities that are all related to the same strategy, topic, or idea. They are good for investors who are willing to take risks and want to put their money in a certain area with a high dividend yield or a fast growth rate.

3. Ratio of income to expenses:

Investment firms charge a fee called the expense ratio. The expense ratio for stock baskets is different from that for mutual funds. Fees are taken out of the investment amount, which changes the net asset value (NAV).

4. Capital Requirements:

To build a portfolio with a stock basket, you have to buy each unit, which costs more than with a mutual fund. But even small investors can benefit from a diversified portfolio.

In 202X, which is a better place to put your money?

When choosing between stock baskets and mutual funds, investors often feel torn. Stock baskets are a great way to invest if you know how the stock market works but don’t want to pay fees to a fund manager.

Wrapping up

Putting money into a stock basket is cheaper than putting money into a mutual fund, but you need to know your goals and how much risk you are willing to take.



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