Don’t Push Kids to Read Too Early

Better to raise a late reader who loves to read than an early reader who learns to hate reading

Mary Gallagher
Raise a Lifelong Reader


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This is my son, Sean. He’s all grown up now but when he was turning five on his June birthday I knew in my heart he was not ready for Kindergarten and I also knew he wasn’t ready to start reading; he’s always been the kind of kid who did things his way!

But we had great schools in our town so we signed up for Kindergarten and when I met with the principal about his readiness, I expressed that I was a first-grade teacher and a reading specialist and that I didn’t think Sean was ready to start reading.

Her response? “He’s age-appropriate for Kindergarten, we will serve him.”

That, my friends, is a political response, not a what-is-in-the-best-interest-of-the-child response.

When kids aren’t ready to read we cannot force them…



Mary Gallagher
Raise a Lifelong Reader

I cut the stress, slowed down, and learned the art of intentional living. When you declutter your soul, you make room for what matters. @The Decluttered Soul