Create React-Native Apps with CoffeeScript

Stefan Hoffmann
Published in
2 min readDec 20, 2015

Being a web developer I really like React-Native to create native apps, while leveraging my existing Javascript knowledge.
More importantly one can actually use the same code for Android and iOS!

However I am a big fan of using CoffeeScript over Javascript for its nice syntax. So I thought why not just write it in CoffeeScript:

React = require "react-native"
{ AppRegistry, Text, StyleSheet } = React
Application = React.createClass
render: ->
React.createElement Text, style: styles.heading, "Hello World"
styles = StyleSheet.create
fontSize: 42
textAlign: 'center'
marginTop: 50
AppRegistry.registerComponent “Example”, () -> Application

Now compile it to JS and run the app:

coffee -cb
The App

But I want JSX!

Using React.createElement for everything isn’t that nice. The plain CoffeeScript compiler can’t understand JSX, but cjsx can help here!

So I changed my code to use JSX:

React = require "react-native"
{ AppRegistry, Text, StyleSheet } = React
Application = React.createClass
render: -> <Text style={styles.heading}>Hello World</Text>
styles = StyleSheet.create
fontSize: 42
textAlign: 'center'
marginTop: 50
AppRegistry.registerComponent “Example”, () -> Application

I installed cjsx and compiled my code again: (see the compiled result)

npm install -g coffee-react
cjsx -cb

Et voilà it compiles and runs!

cjsx supports the same options as the CoffeeScript compiler. To avoid calling the command on every code change just add the -w option and it watches for file changes.

If you want to use a build tool instead, there are also plugins for gulp and grunt.

