The Passionate Andy Freeman

Raise The Anchor
Published in
2 min readJan 7, 2024
Photo: Ace Monroe

Andy Freeman lives for the art and lets the business take care of itself. The Nashville record producer works to bring developing artists’ visions to life. Transforming passion into sound drives his production style.

“Passion isn’t an emotion but the channel through which emotions flow. I would want my work to convey passion. I want to be the catalyst for the artist’s emotions.” he says.

This calling came together over an early love for listening over playing. “Over my teenage years I gradually realized that I preferred listening to music over playing it,” Freeman explains. So he followed the sound until music making became his path.

The hands-on career began through happy accident. Back in 2001, a friend incorrectly assumed Freeman recorded bands and asked him to produce. “I said yes and just figured it out as I went,” he laughs. 20 years later, Freeman continues learning on the job and shepherding emerging talent.

The producer hit some early bumps while studying jazz in school. Clashing with his professor taught Freeman an important lesson. “He winked at me and said ‘remember, this is all just business’,” Freeman recalls. From that interaction, he realized supporting creativity requires pragmatism. Freeman now lives by the motto “Good fences make good neighbors.”

With decades of experience under his belt, Freeman has developed a sixth sense for spotting standout artists. He sees special skills in navigating egos and pulling the best from collaborators. “Working on raising up developing artists and helping them realize their artistic visions” motivates this producer daily. Freeman has found his purpose in channeling passion into the magic of sound.

