How to Manifest BIG Things in 4 Steps

Andrea Schulman
Raise Your Vibration TODAY
7 min readNov 17, 2016

When we first learn about the Law of Attraction, it can be very exciting. If our thoughts create things, then we should be able to learn how to manifest big things including a dream job, a private plane or even a trip to the moon!

Yes, you can achieve anything you want, and it is absolutely possible for you learn how to manifest big things. However, jumping right into manifesting big things is often unsuccessful for new conscious creators because they simply don’t believe these big things can be manifested out of thin air.

Remember: the process of attraction is 1. ask, 2. believe, then 3. receive. Unfortunately, when people reach too high too soon, they often fail to attract the things they want because of lack of belief. Many of them then give up on the Law of Attraction, and this is a real shame!

So, if you’d like to learn how to manifest big things with the Law of Attraction, here are a few actionable steps you can take to really swing for the fences. Please start with the first three items on this list to cultivate belief. Once you are comfortable and well-rehearsed with the first three steps, you will be ready to move on to the final step.

1. Start with small things for practice.

If you are new to the Law of Attraction, or if you’ve yet to see it pay out with anything big, start small! I truly believe one of the best ways to master the Law of Attraction is to first put it into action with small goals to see that it works. This way, you can gain the faith you need to believe in your ability to manifest big things!

Just like a champion cyclist probably first started on a small bike with training wheels, you may find it more comfortable and effective to start with “smaller” manifestations on your way to bigger successes.

Not sure how to start small? Here are a couple of “very small” things you can begin to practice on if you are looking to become a deliberate creator with the Law of Attraction (see “Two Easy Ways to Test the Law of Attraction”).

2. Identify the big things you’ve manifested before.

It’s also a good idea to keep a running list of all of the big manifestations you have already created in your life (even if you attracted them before you knew what the Law of Attraction was).

Part of becoming a conscious creator is building confidence in your ability to attract great things! Keeping tabs on the big things you’ve already manifested is a great way to build this confidence.

The longer the list, the more reasons you will have to believe in your ability to create great things. A few things you might start with might be your most cherished relationships, a favorite car you’ve owned, any awards you’ve received, promotions or raises you’ve had, significant exams you’ve passed, degrees you’ve earned, awesome vacations you’ve been on, cool toys you’ve been given or bought for yourself, awesome parties you’ve been to or thrown, gains you’ve made with your health or fitness, or any other significant achievements or prized possessions you’ve had at any time in your life.

Keep adding to your list as you attract more, and review this list frequently to remind yourself of your ability to create big things.

3. Look for evidence that manifesting big things is easy.

Remember, the only thing that stands between you and the “big manifestations” is your belief that manifesting big things will be difficult or will take a long time. To make big manifestations easier to achieve, it’s a good idea to let go of this limiting belief and replace it with a belief that big manifestations can come to you easily and naturally.

To wrap your mind around easy manifestation, look for evidence that sometimes big things come without much effort. Like someone who wins the Powerball unexpectedly, or the soul mate couple who run into each other in a chance meeting. Sometimes the things we want the most just drop right into our laps with minimal effort.

Keep an eye out for big manifestations that have come easily, whether they are your manifestations or those of another. The more of these big, easy manifestations you identify the easier it will be for you to start to believe that big things can come naturally!

4. Take one step in the direction of your dream, then take another.

When you are ready to reach for a big manifestation, it is important to set the ball in motion and step out on the path to achieving your dream. This is done through taking a small step forward, and then preparing to take another.

So, once you’ve completed the first three items on this list, set out for a big dream by taking just one step. For example, if you want a new house, you might tour some homes that are on sale in the area you’d like to live. If you want a new career, you could do a little career research on the internet. If you’d like to find a new relationship, maybe you can join a dating website. Take the first action that is the most natural and obvious to you, and then allow the next step to present itself to keep moving forward.

After you’ve completed a step, simply ask yourself “what is the next step?”

The trick with this strategy is to take small, forward-moving steps but to let them unfold naturally. Obsessively trying to track down your dream will push it away from you, but taking small steps that are directed by your intuition will guide you toward it. Getting what you really, really want means you have to be in the right place at the right time, and the universe can direct you to that magical spot if you allow yourself to be led.

My website evolved through this process of taking steps. I didn’t know how to build a website in the slightest, so when I was ready to set out after this goal I simply did the first thing that seemed the most logical to me at the time: I got online and did some research on finding a good computer that could handle the task of building and running a website. That was my first step, but I had no idea at the time what the next step would be.

In the beginning, I didn’t know any of the technical terms about web building and administration and I had very few skills to help me do what I am doing today. At the time, I didn’t know I would be running a blog or that I would have a newsletter, or an Instagram page. I didn’t know what Wordpress was, how to use Photoshop, or how you drive traffic to a website. I certainly had no idea how I would set up a business to support this dream.

I knew almost nothing I needed to know to do what I am doing today. All of these details have unfolded, step-by-step, and they continue to unfold as time progresses and I expand on this dream. All I do is take one step at a time, and the path is shown to me.

As you can see, allowing your intuition to guide you to your dreams is how you achieve big things with the Law of Attraction. If you’d like some more information on how to follow this path, check out “5 Easy Ways to Follow Your Intuition.”

To recap, first start small. Practice the Law of Attraction on little things to develop confidence in the process. Then, start to look for evidence in your capability to manifest big things, and additional evidence that big things can come easily and naturally.
Finally, once you’ve developed some skill at deliberate creation and some faith in the process, get ready to reach for a “big manifestation.” Take just one step, and then let your intuition guide you to the next steps as they appear to you. Focus on one thing at a time, and allow the path to success to unfold for you easily and naturally.

In time, you will find that your belief in the process of attraction will grow, and you will start to move toward things you once believed were outlandish or even unachievable. Learning how to manifest big things simply takes some faith in conscious creation and a willingness to move when the universe gives you a nudge.

As one final note, remember that this is a process, and it will be easier on you if you allow it to be a fun process. At the end of the day, there’s nothing written in stone that says you have to be, do or have any of these things you are reaching for. Creating your life is really just about creating what you prefer, so being serious, critical or impatient is unnecessary (and counterproductive!).

Think of this process as a game, go easy on yourself and enjoy the ride!

XO, Andrea (Law of Attraction Educator)

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This article was originally published on my blog over at Raise Your Vibration Today.



Andrea Schulman
Raise Your Vibration TODAY

Law of Attraction Educator and the LOA Leaders top blogger for 2016.