Law of Attraction Challenge: 24 Hours of Happiness

Andrea Schulman
Raise Your Vibration TODAY
4 min readNov 23, 2016

I have a Law of Attraction challenge for you. Do you think you can make your happiness your number one focus for just 24 hours? 24 hours where you focus on achieving happiness above anything else? 24 hours where you forget about trying to manifest anything and just be happy for the sake of being happy?

See, frequently, we get really wrapped up in the one. big. manifestation. You know, that thing we really, really want that hasn’t manifested yet. Maybe it’s a new relationship, a new job or rent money. Whatever yours is, I guarantee it feels really important to you.

However, when we get too wrapped up in the one. big. manifestation, we inevitably spend a lot of time worrying and questioning whether we will ever attract it. As a result, we spend too much time in a negative state of mind, and this pushes our dreams further way.

So how do you get to that one. big. manifestation without worrying and questioning? Well, the trick is in giving up the fight and just choosing to be happy anyways without it. It’s about prioritizing your happiness over the manifestations as much as you possibly can.

Ultimately, all that really matters is your happiness. That’s it.

It isn’t about visualizing, it isn’t about intentions, it isn’t about affirmations, meditation or gratitude journals. These things can help make you happy, but they aren’t required (and quite honestly, if they aren’t making you happy, you shouldn’t be doing them! ).

What you want to remember is that when it comes to the Law of Attraction, the ONLY thing that matters is how you feel. Whatever you have to do to feel good is what you need to be doing, regardless of how silly or irrelevant it may seem.

See, when it comes to deliberate creation with the Law of Attraction, the only job you have is to get into the vibrational resonance of what you want. So if you think something you want is going to make you happy, you’ve got to find a way to be happy first. It’s the only thing that matters!

You can’t spend all off your time worried and manifest something that makes your heart sing. Your heart has to sing first.

So I challenge you to take this 24 hour Law of Attraction challenge and make happiness your #1 priority. Avoid complaining. Do the things you want to do. Look for opportunities to laugh. Stop and smell the roses.

Forget about your worries, and tell yourself you can worry about them later. Let happiness be your only real concern.

Now, this doesn’t mean you aren’t allowed to have a negative moment. It just means that throughout the entire 24 hours you make a commitment to be as happy as you can, and you do whatever you can to get relief when you aren’t.

Ideally, you would be doing this happiness challenge every day, and I hope very soon you are! However, if this is a new idea to you, 24 hours is all you really need to learn a very important lesson about the Law of Attraction.

The lesson? When you make happiness your priority, good things happen. Period.

Ok, so I hope I’ve sold you on this 24 hour Law of Attraction challenge, but there’s just one more thing you need to know, and it’s very important! Here’s the one big rule of this happiness challenge:

Whatever you do on your 24 hours of happiness, do it for the sake of your happiness, not because you are hoping you will achieve your one.big.manifestation.

Be happy for the sake of being happy, and watch what happens. Trust me, a lot of good things will happen on this day, maybe related to your one. big. manifestation, and maybe not. However, just taking the simple step of making your happiness your #1 goal will help you see that the road to all of your goals is on your path of happiness.

So, why not take a day off from worrying? It’s only 24 hours, and it’s easy to push your problems off till tomorrow. We all know how to procrastinate a little anyways!

Just be happy to be happy and keep your eye out for any good things that come your way. Let the universe delight and surprise you!

So, are you up for the challenge? Try it out tomorrow and let me know what happens! Feel free to try out this other Law of Attraction challenge too!

XO, Andrea

Law of Attraction Educator

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Image Source: Image by Brandon Marks, OakenHeart Photography. All rights reserved. This image was reproduced with permission from the photographer. Please contact the photographer to use this image.

This article was originally published at Raise Your Vibration Today.



Andrea Schulman
Raise Your Vibration TODAY

Law of Attraction Educator and the LOA Leaders top blogger for 2016.