The 5-Day, 5-Step Positivity Challenge

Andrea Schulman
Raise Your Vibration TODAY
4 min readSep 22, 2015

How are you feeling today? Would you like to be feeling better? Would you like to be attracting more positive events, people and circumstances? If you’d like to see some fast, tangible progress with the Law of Attraction, take the 5-Day, 5-Step Positivity Challenge!

In just a few days, we can make tremendous strides toward feeling more positive, and this can have a profound effect on how we feel about the world, and the things that we are manifesting in our lives.

As you probably already know by now, with the Law of Attraction, thoughts become things. So, I have designed a short challenge that will help you improve the quality of your thoughts, so that you can experience a shift in your vibration quickly and easily.

Ready to take the challenge?

Step 1: Set a morning intention for five days in a row.

Each morning, when you first wake up, spend a few moments asking to have a positive, inspiring day. The simple act of asking to be positive can have a magical effect on your outlook.

Step 2: Listen to music in the morning for at least 15 minutes for five days in a row.

Music has the power to uplift and inspire, and listening to music early in the morning can help raise your vibration the entire day!

Just be sure to listen to music that is upbeat and is either instrumental or has a positive message. Stick to higher vibrational music that makes you feel happy; and avoid music that is dark, sad, angry, profane or has a very low pitch or slow tempo, as music with these features often resonates at a lower vibrational frequency.

You can listen to high vibrational music while you are traveling to work or school, or on your phone or iPod while you are getting ready for the day. If you are able, you can also turn on the stereo at work when you first arrive.

Step 3: Spend at least 15 minutes outside for five days in a row.

So many of us are cooped up in our homes, our cars and our workplaces for most, if not all, of the day. Make it a priority to step outside for just 15 minutes. Take your break at work outside, go for a walk after dinner or simply sit out on your porch or patio. Fresh air is invigorating, and can raise your vibration significantly.

Step 4: Be “news-free” for 5 days.

If you currently watch the news, take five days off. Current events on the news are often distressing and overwhelming, so give your nervous system a break from all of the doom and gloom. Without all of the scary, sad and frustrating stories each day, it will be easier for you to maintain a positive mindset.

Step 5: Say thanks before bed for five days in a row.

Right before drifting off to sleep, spend about 5 minutes reviewing the good things that have happened each day.

Some people like to say prayers before bed, some people prefer to write their thanks in a gratitude journal, some like to discuss events with their partners or family members and others simply like to replay the good events in their minds. Whatever strategy is most appealing to you, take a few minutes to generate sincere feelings of thanks for the blessings of the day, regardless of how big or small they are.

These five steps are very simple, and should be easy to incorporate into your day. Taking five steps each day to inspire yourself, feel good and focus on the positive is enough to make a substantial change in how you feel about yourself and the world!

As the challenge progresses, you should find that you feel better each day and that you are manifesting better circumstances and events as time goes on. When we focus on becoming more positive, we naturally become better magnets for good things with the Law of Attraction.

At a minimum, your days will run smoother, you will have more positive interactions with other people and you will experience more “happy accidents” throughout your day.

I hope you enjoy this 5-day, 5-step positivity challenge! Let me know how it goes for you.

XO, Andrea

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Originally published at on September 22, 2015.



Andrea Schulman
Raise Your Vibration TODAY

Law of Attraction Educator and the LOA Leaders top blogger for 2016.