Raised on Ritalin // Chapter 1

tyler page
Raised on Ritalin
Published in
3 min readDec 19, 2014



(Chapter 2 is HERE.)

In the fall of 1985, just shy of my 9th birthday, I was diagnosed with ADD and prescribed Ritalin. I would take it every day for almost 8 years.

During my childhood I perceived this as a pretty straightforward story. I took a pill, it helped me focus and behave. I “grew out” of my ADD in high school and stopped taking the Ritalin.

But I started having trouble again as a young adult. I also got married and had kids. Kids who acted very much like I did as a child. Would I find myself in a Doctor’s office, in my parent’s place, having one of my children considered for an ADD diagnosis? What if I did? Would I make the same decisions my parents did?

I decided to learn as much as I could, both for myself and for my kids. Some serious research in combination with a treasure trove of medical records opened my eyes and showed me my story — and ADD in general — wasn’t as simple as I’d thought.

This is the first part of a book-length work. New chapters will be posted soon.

Chapter 2: Let’s Start with the Basics is HERE.

(This was originally published over at Raised on Ritalin.)



tyler page
Raised on Ritalin

comics / illustration / bikes / education • working on: Raised on Ritalin and Nothing Better • www.stylishvittles.com // https://gumroad.com/tylerpage