Time is an illusion, timing is an art

Jamie Ling
Published in
3 min readDec 4, 2018

Raisely now offers Marketing Automation so you can send perfectly timed, personalised emails, bulk email and SMS. They can be triggered by events, conditions and dates — all controlled from your Raisely admin panel.

Here we’ll take a look at three areas of event fundraising where you can use a series of simple automated messages to maximise the impact of your communications and lift your fundraising returns.

1. Welcome and Fundraising Encouragement Journey

Once supporters have signed up to your fundraiser — the next step is to onboard them.

With the ability to send messages when certain conditions are met (eg size of a donation, the total amount raised, profiles completed, targets hit, target increased) this can be a powerful way of keeping your supporters engaged, with relevant personalisation.

A simple journey could look something like this

  • Welcome messages (these are automatic and default with Raisely)
  • Email: After 1 week: send a ‘how to set up a fundraising page email’ if profile not complete or congratulations for completing their profile along with fundraising tips email
  • Email: Congratulations on receiving their first donation
  • Email: Hooray! 50% of target hit
  • SMS “Forward this message” to friends and family asking for donations
    (remember to ask for mobile at registration and seek permission to contact via phone)
  • Email: Send a countdown message towards the day of the event or end of the fundraising period.

2. Event and logistics management

There is a lot to manage when you are responsible for keeping supporters engaged and motivated to hit their fundraising targets for specific events.

Add to this the logistics of managing supporters’ training, required documentation, medical documentation, overseas travel documentation, kit lists and countdowns to event day.

If you take the time to map out a series of personalised emails, bulk emails and SMS leading up to the event, not only will you save yourself time down the track, but you’ll have better informed, engaged and effective fundraisers.

3. One off to regular giving journey series

For many organisations, it is their strategic aim to have regular-giving as their primary source of sustainable revenue.

Every one-off donation to your organisation is an opportunity to engage that new donor with your cause, and an opportunity to seek a longer financial commitment to your mission.

The ability to take recurring payments or subscriptions is a core feature of Raisely.

Take time to map a simple conversion journey to test the willingness of one-off donors to become long-term supporters of your organisation.

A simple journey could look like this

  • Email: Thank you for your donation (these are automatic and default with Raisely)
  • Email: Welcome to the organisation and introduction

Wait 2 days

  • Email: Impact of your donation to the organisation

Wait 2 days

  • Email: Non-financial ask (could be a questionnaire, request to volunteer etc)

Wait 2 days

  • Email Become a sustaining member/recurring giver ask

You can start using marketing automation right now from your Raisely admin panel. Send up to 20,000 emails and 200 SMS to your donors and fundraisers for only $49 per month.

You can find our support docs or email us at support@raisely.com



Jamie Ling
Editor for

Head of Growth at Raisely. Former Digital mischief maker at Greenpeace, filler of dance floors and grower of vegetables