The keys to driving online fundraising success

Jamie Ling
Published in
3 min readJul 11, 2018

Charities cannot afford to ignore the inevitable trend towards increased online giving and need to take control of the experience for their donors and supporters.

1. Branding and Customisation

Using a fundraising platform whether it’s for peer to peer, an appeal or general donations the page must look and feel like your brand.

Fully customisable from fonts to layouts, we provide every piece of functionality to developers and designers allowing you to create your customised fundraising experiences.

Save the Children Australia Main Website
Save the Children Australia Muddle Puddle Walk powered by Raisely

2. First and lasting impressions

It seems obvious but — anyone who has a good experience when supporting your cause will give more than someone who does not.

Many people will donate to your cause for the first time via a site like Raisely. Many of them have donated through a personal connection to your cause or the friend that they are supporting.

You need to put the donor at the centre of your campaign design and experience. You’ve started a conversation, now plan to keep it going with personalised communication.

In addition to our default emails that you have full control over, you can now set up your own automated messages they can be emails or sms text messages and can be triggered by all sorts of conditions.

Allowing you to further nurture you supporters and their donors.

3. Getting the balance right between flashy and passionate

Donors appreciate a seamless donation experience — when we think about the websites or services we enjoy, more often than not it’s because they “just works”.

At Raisely we aim to make the tech invisible so you can focus on letting your passion shine through, without the need to for gimmicks.

4. Tell the impact story

When supporters can quickly see the impact from and the benefits of their support they’ll want to do more of it and will tell their friends.

Find ways to show that impact through photo and video and build this storytelling into the on-boarding of new supporters.

5. Take control of your data

As the challenge to reach new audiences and get your message out there increase, one of the best opportunities to do this is with tailored and personalised communications to new supporters.

All analytics, donors and interactions are measurable, exportable and owned by you when using Raisely. This means you have full control over onboarding and retention journeys which means you have the power to increase the imapact of your fundraising efforts on Raisely.

Get an overview of what Raisely can do for you and your organisation with a 30 minute video-call presentation at or just go ahead and sign up for free



Jamie Ling
Editor for

Head of Growth at Raisely. Former Digital mischief maker at Greenpeace, filler of dance floors and grower of vegetables