5 Ways to prevent your child from becoming a Narcissist


by Lauro Amezcua-Patino, MD, FAPA.

by Lauro Amezcua-Patino, MD, FAPA.

As parents, we constantly worry about the future of our children. We all want them to grow up to be compassionate, empathetic, and kind individuals. One thing that can hinder our children’s growth in these areas is the development of a narcissistic personality.

A narcissist is someone who has an excessive sense of self-importance, a deep need for admiration, and a lack of empathy for others. The good news is that there are things parents can do to help prevent narcissism in their children. We will explore some strategies that parents can use to raise empathetic and compassionate children.

1. Encourage empathy

Empathy is a key component of a compassionate and kind personality. Encouraging empathy in your child is one of the best ways to prevent narcissism from developing. You can do this by teaching your child to put themselves in other people’s shoes and to consider how others may feel. When your child expresses empathy towards others, praise them and let them know how proud you are of them. Encourage them to continue to show empathy towards others, and lead by example by showing empathy yourself.

2. Teach humility

Narcissists often have an inflated sense of self-importance. Teaching humility to your child can help prevent this. Teach your child that everyone is important and that no one is better than anyone else. Encourage them to be kind to others, even those who may be less fortunate than them. You can also teach humility by encouraging your child to admit when they are wrong or to ask for help when they need it.

by Lauro Amezcua-Patino, MD, FAPA.

3. Avoid over-praising

Praising your child is important, but over-praising can contribute to the development of a narcissistic personality. When you praise your child, focus on their effort and hard work rather than their achievements. Teach your child that it’s important to work hard and to do their best, even if they don’t always succeed. Encourage your child to set goals and to work towards them, but also teach them that setbacks and failures are a natural part of life.

4. Set boundaries

Narcissists often have a sense of entitlement and can struggle with respecting boundaries. Teaching your child to respect boundaries can help prevent this. Set boundaries for your child and be consistent in enforcing them. Encourage your child to ask for permission before doing things that may impact others, like borrowing something from a friend. Teach your child to be respectful of other people’s space and belongings.

5. Model kindness and empathy

One of the most powerful ways to prevent narcissism in your child is to model the behaviors you want to see in them. Show kindness and empathy towards others, and let your child see you doing kind things for others. Talk to your child about the importance of being compassionate and empathetic and explain why it’s important to you. When your child sees you modeling these behaviors, they will be more likely to adopt them themselves.

Raising a compassionate and empathetic child is a goal that all parents should strive for. Preventing narcissism in our children is one way to help them develop these qualities. Encouraging empathy, teaching humility, avoiding over-praising, setting boundaries, and modeling kindness and empathy are all strategies that parents can use to help prevent narcissism in their children. By focusing on these things, parents can help raise children who are kind, compassionate, and empathetic, and who will make the world a better place.

by Lauro Amezcua-Patino, MD, FAPA.


What are some early signs of narcissistic tendencies in children?
Early signs of narcissistic tendencies in children may include an excessive need for admiration, disregard for others’ feelings, an inflated sense of self-importance, difficulty handling criticism, and a sense of entitlement. These behaviors must be consistent and cause significant impairment or distress to be considered a potential disorder.

How can I teach my child empathy to prevent narcissistic traits?
Teaching empathy is crucial to help children understand and respect others’ feelings. Model empathy by acknowledging and validating their feelings and those of others. Encourage them to consider other people’s perspectives and help them identify and express their own emotions appropriately. Read books or watch shows that teach emotions and involve them in activities that require cooperation and understanding.

What parenting strategies can contribute to narcissism, and how can I avoid them?
Overindulgence, excessive praise, neglect, or setting unrealistic expectations can contribute to narcissistic traits. Avoid these by setting clear boundaries, providing balanced feedback (both positive and constructive), showing love and support, and encouraging hard work and perseverance rather than just praising talent or accomplishments.

How can I teach my child to handle criticism constructively?
Teach your child that criticism is not a personal attack but a tool for growth. Start by giving gentle, constructive feedback and modeling how to accept criticism gracefully. Encourage them to see mistakes as learning opportunities, and help them understand that nobody is perfect, and everyone has areas they can improve in.

What should I do if I’m worried my child is developing narcissistic traits?
If you’re concerned your child may be developing narcissistic traits, consider reaching out to a mental health professional. A qualified therapist or psychiatrist can provide an accurate diagnosis if necessary and help guide you in supporting your child’s emotional development. Remember, it’s normal for children to display some self-centered behaviors as they grow, but persistent patterns of narcissistic behavior can be a cause for concern.



Lauro Amezcua-Patino, MD, FAPA.
Raising a Beautiful Mind

Dr. Lauro Amezcua-Patiño: Bilingual psychiatrist, podcaster, clinical leader, educator, and researcher. Expert in forensic medicine and mental health issues.