Finding Happiness Within: The Wisdom of Vedanta

Raising a Beautiful Mind
2 min readOct 2, 2023
Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay

In India, there’s an ancient philosophy called Vedanta that offers valuable insights into the pursuit of happiness. Let’s break down some of its key teachings

1) Seeing Ourselves Through Others' Eyes

Often, we tend to define ourselves based on how others see us. This habit can lead to unhappiness. Wanting to look good in the eyes of others is a social trap we should avoid.

2) Why Are People Unhappy?

Many folks are unhappy because they forget their true selves and start believing what others say about them. This unhappiness won't go away until they recognize and honor their own inner selves.

3) Overcoming Pain Through Vedanta

Vedanta teaches that physical, mental, moral, and spiritual suffering can be relieved through its wisdom. When we find the guidance of a spiritual master, understanding Vedanta becomes easier.

4) Embrace Your Inner Divine

Seek to connect with the divinity within you. You can't please everyone, but when your inner self is content, others will likely be content with you too.

Image by John Hain from Pixabay

Vedanta tells us to look within, find our true selves, and connect with our inner divinity to attain lasting happiness. So, let’s start this journey towards inner peace and joy!



Raising a Beautiful Mind

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