Happiness and Sorrow: A Reflection on Our Own Journey

Raising a Beautiful Mind
2 min readSep 25, 2023
Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay

In the grand show of life, happiness and sorrow take the center stage, creating all the drama. But why let it bother us so much? They're just a part of life, after all.

Wealth and fame, which people often make a big fuss about, what's so special about them? Is it worth the attachments and the consequences they might bring?

Look up at the stars and the moon in the sky. They just shine bright without any fuss. And every flower adds its lovely scent to the mix. Even in the smallest things, there's some beauty and value hidden away.

Whether they bring us moments of joy or sadness, these emotions rule our lives. They are the bosses of their own world, controlling how things go.

Image by Gino Crescoli from Pixabay

They act like they own the whole world, making everything else seem less important. Their magic is something to behold.

Bad deeds and wrong actions, they say, lead to trouble. To reach a better place, you need to do good things. It's not a bad idea.

If one path seems to close, they somehow find a way to open up ten more. So, have faith in your destiny, my friend. That's what really matters.

You can call them God, Khuda, Bhagwan, or just something divine. They create everything and leave their mark everywhere.

With every breath, they watch over us, and our heartbeats sing their song. Our bodies are just made of dust, so there's no need to worry too much.

In this big show called life, happiness and sorrow are the main actors, guiding how things go. As we go through the ups and downs, we learn important stuff about living. It's in understanding both the good and tough times that we find the real meaning of our journey, gaining strength, wisdom, and a sense of togetherness along the way.



Raising a Beautiful Mind

"👨‍💻 Software engineer by day, wordsmith by night. Exploring the code of life and the art of storytelling. ✍️✨ 🌟 Join me in the journey of self-discovery