How To Finally Feel Good Enough As An Adult

Savanna Symons
Raising a Beautiful Mind
2 min readAug 23, 2023

How to finally feel good enough as an adult:

Option 1 (the one we’re taught):

· Go to University / College

· Get great grades

· Get a degree

· Get a great job or business — and make it an impressive one

· Make a lot of money — and always make more than you did previously

· Get an Instagram-worthy life

· Get a lot of compliments, consistently

· Get a picture-perfect partner and relationship

· Get married

· Get the dream family — the one where everyone ‘behaves’ and also achieves

· Get a big house

· Get all the best stuff to fill said house with

· Get accolades, awards and recognition

· Keep hustling, achieving and getting validation until you’re 6 feet in the ground or outgrow the pattern you’ve learned since you were young

Option 2 (the one we’re not explicitly taught):

· Recognize how we’ve been conditioned to find our worthiness in what we get, achieve and have.

· Decide what ‘to be worthy’ actually means to you; define it outside of what we’ve been taught; get so clear on this.

· Practice understanding and recognizing worthiness as something you were born with and is absolute and inherent; the things you do in this lifetime are just that: things you do.

Option 2 is much deeper work. It requires you to understand your own mind and make internal changes — that is, address the causes of your emotional pains and behaviours, and not the symptoms.

The result of pursuing the second option can completely change who you are, because when you’re no longer hustling and exhausting yourself to try and achieve worthiness, life and the things you do within it feel different. You feel different.

Society teaches us — directly and indirectly — how to feel good enough using external measures, achievements and opinions…but there’s another way, and it’s not too late to learn it.

We can find worthiness, confidence, and certainty internally, and frankly, life feels better when we do.

Savanna Symons
Life & Confidence Coach

PS. If you’d like tangible tools to feel more confident in your job, your business, or simply in yourself, here are two ways you can get more support from me:

  1. Connect with me on Instagram and watch, read and listen to help you grow your confidence in yourself, your business+career, and your abilities. Click here to connect with me on IG.
  2. I send out weekly support to good humans all over the world by email every Tuesday. They’re always chalk full of tools and stories for greater confidence, getting unstuck and easing anxiety, worry, stress and inadequacy — in life, business, career, and sense of self. You can join us here.



Savanna Symons
Raising a Beautiful Mind

Life & Confidence Coach | Grow your confidence in self, career, and business. I can help. | IG: @confidencewithsavanna |