Still Sober

Sobering Thoughts
3 min readMay 10, 2024


Apologies for the silence…


G’day Legends.

Have ya’s missed me? Tell the truth. Ya didn’t even realise I was gone, did ya?

Just wanted to send a quick note to let everyone know that I haven’t died, relapsed, or forgotten about you all.

Since my last post, I’ve passed both two years and 750 days sober. Both milestones are ones that I wouldn’t have believed possible once upon a time.

I’ve been spending a lot of time working on myself and learning about who I truly am. As a result, my sobriety is stronger than ever, and I have a lot of things I’m eager to share with you all. I’ve just been struggling for time while I’ve been working my way through The 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous.

Initially, I was trying to keep up with sharing a weekly or fortnightly post, and I have a few half-written posts in my drafts. I just haven’t had the time to finish them PROPERLY!

I’ve decided it’s probably best not to share my experience of the 12 steps until I have finished them. In many ways, I feel like some of the steps reinforce previous steps, and it wouldn’t be fair for me to comment on my experience with any of the steps until I have completed all of them, which hopefully won’t be too far away.

However, as an alcoholic/addict in recovery, I do feel obligated to share my experiences in the hope of helping others, and I do feel a sense of guilt for not sharing as regularly lately. Hopefully, I’ll be able to share a little more regularly in the coming months.

It’s frustrating for me. However, I know I’ll be of better service to those in need once I have gone through this journey and uncovered more about my drinking, drug use and me as a person in general.

Thanks everyone for your patience and understanding. Hopefully, you’ll hear more from me soon.

Cheers Wankers.


Click Here to join our Sobering Thoughts Chat Group. Whether you’re sober, sober curious, have someone in your life in sobriety or active addiction, or you think you could help struggling people, we’d love to have you!

We’ve already got a bunch of legends in there sharing incredible stories and supporting one another. Jump in. You have nothing to lose!

Click here to check my other blogs. Follow me on Instagram and Twitter @sbrngthghts.

If anyone is struggling in any way, make someone aware of it. Speak to a friend, family, loved one, stranger, postman, Uber Eats driver, or me; talk to someone.

Lifeline Ph: 13 11 14

Alcoholics Anonymous Ph: 1300 222 222

NSW Mental Health Line Ph: 1800 011 511

Suicide Call Back Service Ph: 1300 659 467

Mensline Australia Ph: 1300 78 99 78

Kids Helpline Ph: 1800 55 1800



Sobering Thoughts

Sobering Thoughts is a weekly blog that began after 1 week of sobriety. It provides support on sobriety, particularly for those with ADHD/Mental Health issues.