What Is the Law of Attraction, and It Has To Do With Education For Children

Mada Hayyas
Raising a Beautiful Mind
3 min readJul 14, 2023
Institut Le Rosey in Switzerland has been the school of choice for royalty, captains of industry and the 1 per cent of the 1 per cent for more than a century.

What does it mean to send children to expensive schools?

You buy the environment. You buy a good circle of friends. You buy a good mindset for the child. And you are buying opportunities for children to have a better life. Do you know the law of attraction? Your reality comes from your mindset. Your habits will shape your habitus. Your mindset and habitus will shape your future. The essence is what parents actually buy about expensive education.

All three phrases have one thing in common: the way we think and behave affects our life’s outcome. Now, achieving our goals takes more than even the most heartfelt determination. Still, an optimistic mindset matters, and we should take the power of positive thinking seriously. Your thoughts have an impact on your life. Your mindset shapes your thoughts, behaviors, and actions. Behaviors tend to influence who enters our lives and who stays, as a resource or a liability. Your thoughts and behaviors also shape your feelings about yourself and the world. Fuelling your mind with self-criticism doesn’t help your well-being or encourage flourishing, happy relationships. And it certainly doesn’t help you manifest something better.

In Indonesia, seeing the teacher’s background is still considered a troublesome and unimportant matter by parents. Maybe not even thought about it. But in other countries like South Korea, parents are willing to investigate (in the real sense) the teacher before being approved to be their child’s teacher. Especially if the teacher is going to interact for a long time with the child (take the example of a tutor or homeroom teacher), the teacher’s background will definitely be investigated first. Who is his/her family, where did he/she go to school and study, and who is he/she in his/her social environment.

The family background of a teacher is just as important as the teacher’s educational background. Good and successful schools usually have teachers with good backgrounds too, whether in terms of their education, records of their activities, or which families they come from. Often, teacher selection methods focus on education and how smart the teacher is without regard to where the teacher is from, and what his or her family situation is like. In fact, what kind of environment the teacher grows and develops into adulthood will have an important influence on the students he/her educates later.

The teacher will interact with children, who are a class of humans who are easily influenced. How does the teacher behave in the classroom, how does the teacher give positive affect, how does the teacher confront students who are difficult to manage, how does the teacher speak (using rude or polite language), what is the teacher’s mindset (patriarchal/feminist, liberal/conservative, etc.), everything is slowly but surely will be imitated by the children who are educated. At night, a child’s role model is a parent. But from morning to evening, their role model is their teacher at school.

Our environment shapes our personality much more than we think. It’s like devil’s circle. You may not realize that personality / habit is contagious. You are transmitted by your family, you will also pass it on to other people’s children. If you pass it on to your child, there’s no problem. If I were a parent, I would definitely feel calm and happy if my child’s teacher turned out to be a good person, and came from a good family too. I will do anything to make my child closer to the teacher, even if possible I can also be close to his/her family so that my child can see a good example, and be motivated to be good too (in a broad sense).

