Classical Music Videos

Lauren Havens
Raising a Smart Kid
2 min readJan 4, 2015

I want to introduce my daughter to a wide range of music, including classical music. We often listen to The Classical Station while in the car and at home — they have good, free online streaming. I’ve shown my daughter snippets of Fantasia and plan to show her similar videos later, like The Secret of Kells

. I was recently introduced to a video series that is even appropriate for babies, though, and it’s been very useful .

Over the holidays my sister-in-law showed me the Classical Baby

videos. She uses it to help her son calm down after a stressful situation, like when he got upset that his father was going back to work after being home with him for a few days. I enjoyed watching bits of it with him, and then when my daughter got sick and needed nebulizer sessions to help her breathing, I used the videos to help distract her. They gave her something to focus on while I held her for each 10-minute session.

Each piece is short, just a few minutes which is great for a short attention span. I appreciated that the videos noted the piece of the music’s title and composer, and if art was used, like in The Art Show (below), the information for that was also noted. My daughter and I both enjoyed these.

