Easy Homemade Baby Food

Lauren Havens
Raising a Smart Kid
2 min readSep 28, 2014

When my daughter was six months old, I started introducing her to solid food. It’s been very entertaining. It’s also been interesting to see what companies charge for baby food. One little jar can easily cost more than a dollar. Instead of buying everything that she eats, I’ve compromised. I’m not going to make everything she eats at this stage, but buying can be the right option in certain cases.

Buy What Can’t Be Easily Made

I bought jars of items that I couldn’t (or am unwilling to) make for her myself, like prunes or items with meat. I don’t want to get into pureeing meat. So, those items are worth buying.

Make a Few Staples

I found that it was ridiculously easy to make some items for her to eat, like squash, greens, and other similar vegetables. Pictured are three jars of squash I made just the other day. I spent a grand total of a minute hands-on.

To make the squash: I roughly chopped a couple small, organic squash that I’d gotten on sale (score!). I put the pieces in a glass bowl with a bit of water, and put that in the microwave for about four minutes. Then I pureed that and put it in jars that I had saved from having bought her food. I added some spices to a couple of the jars, but I could have waited to add any seasonings until serving. Super, super easy.

For me, it was easy to make some simple vegetable dishes, even mixing these with items that I’d bought. It wasn’t worth it to me to try to make a homemade meat dish, but maybe it would be a lot easier for someone else. Items that are hard to find or just aren’t in season might be good to buy, too.

[caption id=”attachment_40893" align=”aligncenter” width=”300" class=” “]

About a minute of hands-on time netted three jars of baby food

About a minute of hands-on time netted three jars of baby food[/caption]

