Immunize, Immunize, Immunize… and Filter the Water, Too

Lauren Havens
Raising a Smart Kid
1 min readFeb 21, 2015

“It really is almost a crime to allow your child to go unimmunised.” — written by Roald Dahl in the 1980s. He lost his daughter to measles before a vaccine was available. I read a bit about Dahl’s letter and his experience losing his daughter. I remember how horrible it was when my daughter was in the NICU fighting for her life. No vaccine would have helped her situation, but I can help prevent her from having other severe health issues by ensuring that she gets her immunizations. I don’t know if parents who don’t immunize their children should be arrested like some have suggested, but I do think that their ignorance hurts innocent bystanders. Please immunize. Please encourage others to immunize.

hand holding a medical needle

My daughter recently received her 1-year immunizations, much to my relief after the whole measles outbreak. In talking with her pediatrician, I asked him about New Jersey water. I thought the start of his response was just great: “Well, it’s not third world water, but I would be sure to filter it.”

