Refuse Register Receipts… or Wear Gloves to Accept Them

Lauren Havens
Raising a Smart Kid
2 min readNov 13, 2014

Touching register receipts, like those you get from the gas station or grocery store, can transmit high levels of BPA. Using hand sanitizer right before handling the receipt or using hands to eat food right after handling the receipt significantly increased the amount of BPA absorbed into the body.

So, to avoid accumulating this dangerous chemical:

  1. Don’t ask for or accept receipts. Save trees at the same time and pat yourself on the back for doing two awesome things at once.
  2. If you do take a receipt, use gloves. If you don’t have gloves, wash your hands as soon as possible. But really, why not just carry gloves on you at all times? Surely there’s a pair of gloves stashed in that purse or diaper bag. Everything else seems to be in there except what you actually need these days…

Sources and Further Reading:

