Thinking Like a Dandelion

Lauren Havens
Raising a Smart Kid
2 min readSep 1, 2020
“I Believe….” by SurFeRGiRL30

I’ve always loved dandelions. Yellow, bright pops of happiness in grassy yards. So random where they seem to grow. As a child, I’d blow on the puffball, making a wish as the seeds drift out in the wind. I have yet to meet a child who doesn’t like dandelions, though I’ve met plenty of adults who see their appearance on a lawn as a smudge against a perfectly manicured lawn.

Even as a child I realized that so many adults found dandelions to be a nuisance, and perhaps because of their ability to pop up seemingly overnight sometimes in the most “inconvenient” of spots, I adored them. They could not be shut down except perhaps with the most diligent applications of toxic chemicals on the whole lawn. Even without a yard though, dandelions can pop up in the smallest crack of a sidewalk, a place that may seem too small to sustain a plant.

That ability to survive anywhere, with the barest of resources, and to seem to find joy (for what else is that bright yellow flower than the embodiment of joy) has been a philosophy lesson perhaps subconsciously my whole life. Now I recognize it clearly and meditate on it when I find myself wanting more than what I have.

Yes, it may sound great to have a rich partner, financially rewarding career of my own, healthy, brilliant children, huge house and a staff to make it all feasible like some celebrities. But, that isn’t my life or the only place I can grow and thrive. I am not some delicate flower that needs diligent care and careful handling in order to bloom. With just a little space to stretch my roots, some sunlight, and a breeze, I can bloom, hopefully bring joy to the world around me, spread love, and lead a full life. Even if I am uprooted or assaulted, I will bounce back. I can thrive in the small spaces of sidewalk cracks, steep hillsides, and flower boxes, wherever the wind and this world takes me.

You can be like the dandelion — growing, finding joy, and being a part of this world wherever you started growing and despite turmoil and stormy weather. Maybe our joyful existence will even make the world a little brighter while we’re here. May you find, and share, strength, joy, and kindness.

