Leo Rising

Cecilia P. Culverhouse
Raising Beena Boo
Published in
2 min readMar 20, 2018

Beena Boo came forth into this world like a lion making its kill. Screaming, she struck out of the birth canal, out of the Void, and into a brightly lit hospital room. The midwife caught her. Then, the nurse wiped Beena Boo’s face. As she placed Beena Boo on my chest for our first baby-to-mom contact, Beena Boo screamed fiercely, clenched her left fist, and raised it in a resistance posture.

With her tiny fist raised, Beena Boo and I first touched. She put her soft hands on my chest and pushed her torso up. She looked me straight in the eyes. Then, she heard her father greeting her lovingly. “Welcome our daughter. We love you.” Beena Boo turned her head and stared intensely into his eyes. Tiny eyes-to-grown-eyes.

My husband and I looked at each other, our hearts expanding with unconditional love for our fierce and beautiful miracle. Heart-full, I told him, “Oh Sh*t. We’re done.”

. . .

Stories, like the ones I’ll tell on this blog, often begin at the beginning. This is our little Leo lion’s beginning in her current incarnation. How Beena Boo arrived in the world has, so far, matched how she explores it. Fiercely, inquisitively, lovingly, and with focus. And, wearing silky ginger hair.

Over the next weeks, and maybe months, this blog will explore how this parent parents Beena Boo using mindfulness, psychology, metaphysics, and grit. My 16 years and 8K hour personal growth study and practice are culminating in parenting my daughter. The hours of befriending discomfort, healing old wounds, letting go of long held beliefs, and adapting healthy habits . . . all of this to be able to be present for Beena Boo. Sharing with you about my parenting experiences will be part of this practice. My hope is that what you read here supports you, and that we can learn together through sharing experiences.



Cecilia P. Culverhouse
Raising Beena Boo

Relationship explorer. Teacher, writer, and culvitator of empathy, awareness, and growth. www.ceciliaculverhouse.com