Seven NFL Players Who Happened To Be Vile Human Beings

Rajan Nanavati
Rajan Nanavati
Published in
5 min readNov 10, 2016

While many of us idolize our favorite professional athletes, sometimes it’s hard for us to realize that a lot of them are actually rotten human beings. For all the great athletic gifts they’ve been given, gift of being a good person simply evaded them.

To that end, here’s a brief list of five former or current NFL players who turned out to be despicable human beings:

Rae Carruth — It takes a special type of jerk to “make” a child, and then have nothing to do with it. If you’re not interested in having children with a woman, then you should probably take precautionary measures BEFORE you impregnate her. Clearly, Rae Carruth had no interest in that, and chose to deal with the aftermath in the worst way possible. When he discovered that a woman named Cherica Adams — whom Carruth was casually dating — had become pregnant, he allegedly blocked her vehicle with his vehicle, and had another man, whom he paid, shoot at her. It was later discovered that Carruth paid said individual because Adams did not want to have an abortion, which was Carruth’s wish.

Aaron Hernandez — Hernandez was a straight-up thug. How do you get arrested for first-degree murder, in addition to five gun-related charges, and then eventually have your name come up in connection with several other murders? If the facts that he was a highly unsavory character weren’t obvious enough, he had them tattooed on his neck; he has the words “Lifetime Loyalty” over a five-pointed star, a commonly identified symbol of the notorious bloods gang. Hernandez was later found guilty of all charges, and sentenced to life in prison without parole.

Adam “Pacman” Jones — Who walks into a strip club and assaults one of the dancers after you give her money? Apparently, Adam Jones does. During the festivities in Las Vegas for the 2007 NBA All-Star Game, Jones showered the stage at Minxx, a Vegas strip club, and then grabbed the hair of a dancer and slammed her head on the stage when she tried to pick up some of that money. To make matters worse: one of Jones associates from that evening allegedly shot and paralyzed an employee of Minxx, and Jones refused to acknowledge this fact.

Lawrence Phillips — It’s not always the best idea to say bad things about the deceased, but there’s almost nobody who’d challenge the fact that Lawrence Phillips was a world-class punk. Phillips college and NFL career were marred with him squandering away numerous second, third, and subsequent chances teams gave him. He eventually found himself in jail, serving two sentences: a seven-year term for felony assault with a deadly weapon, and an additional twenty-five years for domestic assault on his girlfriend. As if that wasn’t bad enough, he was charged with murdering his cellmate while in prison.

Darren Sharper — It’s one thing when you commit a disgusting act once or maybe twice. But a serial rapist? “Despicable” doesn’t even begin to describe what vile human being you are. In August of 2016, Darren Sharper pleaded guilty or no contest to raping, or trying to rape, nine women in New Orleans, Los Angeles, Las Vegas and Tempe, Arizona, between Aug. 31, 2013, and his arrest in Los Angeles on Jan. 17, 2014. And then, he had the audacity to say about himself: “I am not a monster. I am not.” If he doesn’t think he’s a “monster,” we hope realizes he’s a disgusting jerk.

O.J. Simpson — Orenthal James Simpson went from being called a “hero” by so many people to being called a “criminal” by so many more people. We’ll simply overlook the fact that he showed little interest in being a leader in the black community once he became rich and famous, turning his back on the people and places that he grew up in. It was his continued verbal and physical abuse of his ex-wife Nicole Brown, both while they were married and even after they were divorced, that was beyond cruel. The police were called multiple times after physical altercations where Simpson struck Brown, only for Simpson to “play the celebrity card” and get himself out of legal trouble. Needless to say, we know how things turned out for Simpson and Brown.

Lawrence Taylor — Lawrence Taylor simply can’t stay away from trouble. It takes a certain type of jerk to continue to do the wrong thing over and over. Taylor abused alcohol and drugs throughout his playing days. Even when he gave up drugs during the latter part of his career, to ensure he wouldn’t get suspended from football, he dreamed of being able to do drugs when his playing days ended. He was arrested twice in his post-playing days, in search of cocaine. In recent years, it seemed like Taylor made amends with his past, but his bad behaviors started emerging again. In 2010, he was charged with felony third-degree statutory rape, for allegedly engaging in sexual intercourse with a 16 year old girl, after paying her to do so.

This content was originally created as part of a freelance writing opportunity for You can learn more about the 15 Biggest Jerks in NFL History here.



Rajan Nanavati
Rajan Nanavati

Father. Husband. Indian American. Sports Junkie. Marketing Dude. Freelance Writer. Productivity Zealot. Enthusiastic Gourmand.