Probabilistic Retention Cohort SQL on Snowflake

ilker cam
Published in
4 min readFeb 24, 2020

TL;DR: Retention cohorts are expensive to generate, especially if you’re working on a database lacking analytic functions. A deterministic approach is; joining ‘first action’ to ‘returning action’ steps and counting the distinct connectors (user or device identifiers). Joining huge amounts of data should be avoided when working on big data. A better solution is to estimate the intersection of steps using the HyperLogLog algorithm, lets practice this on Snowflake’s HLL functions.

About Snowflake

Snowflake is a cloud warehouse where you forget about maintenance, and focus on your query. They have a variety of analytic functions, a great console, programmable interfaces (npm package, JDBC driver). Loading data into Snowflake is easy for one time (COPY command) or continuously (Snowpipe). Truncated some table accidentally? They do time-travel ⌛️

1. The MinHash Approach

The similarity of the two sets can be calculated using the Jaccard Index. It is formulated as;

J(A,B) = |A ∩ B| / |A∪ B|

Although calculating the union and intersection can be an expensive operation over millions of rows. Minhash is an efficient solution that inputs your data into K distinct hash functions. For example, you choose K=1000 for your user identifier column with one million rows. Minhash will describe that set with 1000 dim.

A similarity index might sound a solution for plotting a retention cohort. Let’s see why we can’t use this solution, the similarity indexes on given cases are as follows;

  • If A and B are the same = 1.
  • If A and B are completely different = 0
  • If A is a superset of B and 2.|A| = |B| = 0.5

To Exemplify the last case; in typical retention, we have the first step as first_install and session_start as the returning step. Which would be a vanilla retention query that you can find most of the platforms dealing with user event data. Session start event is the superset of first install events. Every user must install the app to start the session. Even though all the users are still there on day 0 for the session start, the Jaccard Index is not a solution that considers the overlaps. For more information and an example about MinHash on Snowflake checkout here.

2. Cardinality Estimation

The size of a set of elements is defined as cardinality in mathematics. In SQL we simply use the count(distinct row) function to calculate the number of distinctive rows. Imagine we’re filtering the set over some conditions, or even joining rows from another table. We might do the filtering on a column that is not clustered/partitioned, and your queries will start getting greedy on resources. The simplest solution in Snowflake is to replace count distinct to approx_count_distinct , which uses HyperLogLog to estimate distinct cardinality. Let’s consider the following query;

A terrible query to calculate the count of unique users

Different sets grouped by each day (maybe a case of materialization). For a reason, you need to aggregate the total unique users via summing. Sorry, the sum you seek is randomized by a factor of how frequently duplicates appear in your inner queries group by statement. There must be a way to group by your set and aggregate the correct cardinality, right? Yes!, by breaking down approx_count_distinct and using a combination of HyperLogLog functions that Snowflake provides for us.

The example above is very useful if you’re materializing cardinalities and aggregating later on. Also, check out HLL_EXPORT and HLL_IMPORT helpers to dump and import the binary representation into object format.

3. Composing Retention Query using HLL Functions

What is the number of users came back the next day? Assuming A is the first action and B the returning; Mathematically, the number of retained users can be described as the cardinality of intersection of A and B (|A⋂B|). Using HLL_COMBINE we can calculate the cardinality of unions, and substitute the intersections with;

|A⋂B| = |A| + |B| - |A⋃B|

Let’s start with defining ‘first action’, ‘returning action’ and joining returning action day-by-day.

The next_periods set joins the returning action by the date and calculates;

  • The first appear date.
  • The next period (in days, or weeks depending on how you truncated).
  • Approximate count of first and returning action (via hll_estimate(fa/ra.hll_user)). To calculate intersection cardinality we need to subtract set cardinalities from the union cardinality.
  • Aggregates first and returning actions HyperLogLog estimation, we’ll need those later on when using hll_merge to calculate union of A and B.
select * from next_periods to visualize the structure of the set.

To calculate the final form of the cohort, we will calculate the number of users for the same day (simply the first action) and union with merged and estimated HLL values of next_periods set.

Since we’re sure that date and period pairs are unique. Taking a maximum of ra_user_count and fa_user_count is okay. hll_combine is an aggregation function thus we either take the maximum of those counts or do this inside a subquery. Since we’ve only one day in the first action, the query result will show retention over the same and next day only.

Query result for the retention cohort

About Rakam

At rakam we’ve spent hundreds of hours for the Snowflake integration. Providing efficient segmentation, funnel, retention and SQL interfaces.

You can start experimenting on our demo today, also connect your Snowflake cluster and try on your own data.

