Today is the Day 🎉 🎉

nurkan kirkan
Published in
3 min readOct 20, 2017

Hello everyone.

I’ve jumped very frustrating moments in my life a year ago to this ship. I can’t still even believe that it’s been a year since I’ve started to work with my partner in crime Burak Emre. You know what they say; time flies.. Seriously.


Today is the day and today we’re happy and lucky to announce our first full time software engineer and first employee of rakam — Kazim Isik.

Please meet with Kazim; We’d like to share his story with everyone…

This is Kazım Işık,
I have started working for Rakam as a developer a couple of weeks ago and I want to tell you how a great experience it has been so far.

I am graduated from METU Computer Engineering at ’08 and from that day towards I have been employed in various companies and worked for many projects. I have started working in Havelsan as a new graduate. In order to solve the integration related problems, I had been relocated and had the opportunity to work with Boeing engineers in Seattle. After returning back to Turkey I got my MBA degree from Bilkent University. Afterwards I have worked for a IC Ictas, AYESAS, Comodo and again Havelsan as the challenges ended and opportunities changed over time. Variety of companies and projects I have worked, helped me learn various programming languages and technologies.

I have started working for Rakam on October ’17. I have to tell by all means this is a whole new experience for me. All of the companies I have worked for had 200+ employees and now I am working for a startup. That means everything is different. On other companies I was just another employee. Here in Rakam the sense of ownership is something else and that motivates me a lot. Here I know my performance, my will, my energy will directly impact the product and the team and that gets me motivated to learn all the new things I have to learn. Both Emre and Nurkan are great guys to work with. Working remote has its downsides but with their great support and positive attitude those downsides gets insignificant.
I was sceptic about working remote, I was sceptic about working in a startup. The attractive side for working Rakam was the product and the technologies behind the product. Now I know I was not wrong about what I thought about the product. But I also know my scepticism was unnecessary about working remote and for startup, because of the great team behind the product. I feel great and motivated working here.

Rakam platform is highly customizable and this gives both the user and the developer a great flexibility to work on. There are a lot of opportunities to work on. I feel impatient to turn them into reality.
Thanks for reading.

We’d like to thank you once again to Kazim for his contribution and being first member of our journey.




nurkan kirkan
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