Notice: Oinkbook Beta Termination

Published in
1 min readJun 22, 2020

We regret to announce the termination of Oinkbook services. Consequently, accessibility to and maintenence of OinkBook Beta will be discontinued on July 27th, 2020 (UTC).

All OinkBook features will become inaccessible, thus we implore the community to utilize acquired OinkBook points before the above date, as they will be unusable following the termination of this service. Similarly, all posts and media within OinkBook platform will automatically become inaccessible and uneditable.

In the light of the foregoing, the community should ensure to properly migrate contents they intend to preserve elsewhere as failure to do so will result in loss of valued information and we will not be liable for such loss.

It is unarguable however that since the commencement of Oinkbook in November, 2019, many users have enjoyed the OinkBook Beta hence we use this medium to sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused.

No doubt, the interactivity and contents you have created and shared on the platform have helped us grow and further understand the multi-faceted applications of blockchain technology. We appreciate our supporters for their valued cooperation as we strive to build a more robust ecosystem.

