5 VS Code Extension For Productivity

Boost development with awesome VS code extensions

Hendrawan Hadikusuma
Ralali Tech Stories
3 min readSep 14, 2022


#1 ESLint

Are you facing different styles of codes in one repository because of no coding standard? Means you need a linter. ESLint by Microsoft can help you achieve it as a linter, you can start to standardize the repository with rich configuration for javascript and typescript from this extension making the code more pretty and readable.


#2 Jest

Without testing, you can’t be sure if your code is needed and expected like what you want. If you feel like what I say means you need this powerful extension called Jest, there are many things you can do with it. Start to test if your logic is right and your code block is needed, and how many are already covered. Jest extension can be set to auto-run every time you save the code base on your test.


#3 Git Blame

Just in case someone writes code with high complexity and needs to refactor it, this extension exists to help you find the writer to discuss the logic before you refactor it. The benefit of this extension is that you can find the last change of code and ask for help if there is no proper documentation or understanding of logic. Another benefit is you can ask for conflict solving if you get one.

Git Blame

#4 Thunder Client

Postman may be the API client you use currently to test API response, documentation, and other interaction related. Another alternative must try to use thunder client right now. No more third-party applications need to use, all you can do with this VS Code extension is to simulate API calls, collection of API, an environment variable, and also simulate integration flow.

Thunder Client

#5 SonarLint

The extension provided by SonarSource can trace code duplication, code smells, and security vulnerabilities as your code. There will highlight and give some recommendations to solve it, not only that you can also connect SonarLint to SonarQube /SonarCloud by binding your VSCode workspace folder to your SonarQube/SonarCloud project(s), and benefit from the same rules and settings that are used to inspect your project on the server. SonarLint in VSCode then hides Won’t Fix and False Positive issues in any file from a bound folder.



Those extensions I recommend are must-haves for daily use. Without the extensions maybe you still can be productive but those can help you easily to help you set a standard, make sure no logic changes after refactoring, solve a conflict, well-documented API in one workspace, and make the codes easy to maintain.



Hendrawan Hadikusuma
Ralali Tech Stories

I’m software engineer from indonesia like to sharing about technology tips and tricks, keep updated with subscribe here https://bit.ly/3wC4XoH