Healing Mode in Sprint

Ralali Tech Stories
3 min readJan 13, 2020
Healing Mode in Sprint

Building a productive team is decisive. By this means, I encourage my team to boost their productivity by enhancing their happiness. According to the research journal “A Conceptual Framework of Happiness at the Workplace” (Wesarat et al, 2014), “Happiness” in the workplace refers to how satisfied people are with their work and lives. This thing influences productivity in any organization. Happy people are productive and may pay full attention to any task. As an Engineering Manager, I carry out the Healing Mode to increase the happiness level in the workplace who adopt the Scrum method that we explained before here. Let me tell you how we do it, starting from the product development cycle itself!


Sprint is a time limit (timebox) for the development of products that are ready to use or put into the production environment in the context of software development. This process takes no more than 30 days.

Product development using Scrum is done iteratively and incremental, so that there will be several sprints in the product development life cycle.

Day to Day Activities

Usually, during each sprint, we always focus on work assignments, even before the sprint ends the team hasn’t finished working on the task already faced with the next Sprint Planning. The effect was that some teams were overwhelmed and psychologically they felt under pressure. As a result, they often deliver products that are less qualified.

The Problem

The main problem with this situation is that we need to enhance the Happiness Level of Development Team. Happiness Level is the condition of the level of pleasure of a team in Sprint.

The higher the Happiness Level, the more possible the team will deliver better results, and vice versa. Therefore, we need to keep this Happiness Level at 4 out of 5.

Indicator of Happiness Level:

1. Mad

2. Sad

3. Normal

4. Happy

5. Very Happy

How to Improve

Healing mode is a situation that Software Engineer stops working on their task, but in their daily, they must:

  1. Ensure all tickets already done and ready for QA
  2. Bug fixing if there’s any bug found related on their task
  3. Ensure all tickets must be deployed on production
  4. Enjoy their free time to recover stress
  • Playing games
  • Learn something new technologies
  • Anything


After knowing the importance of Healing Mode then how we implement that? Let’s say we use 2 weeks (10 working days) in Sprint, we can allocate the 7-days development process and 3-days healing mode.

And we called that 7+3 Cycle.

Development Team Calendar

Right Time in The Right Place

And what does the product team do during the Healing Mode?

We can use the healing mode time by filling out activities with Backlog Grooming, Sprint Pre-Review, Sprint Review, Sprint Retrospective and Sprint Planning.

Management Calendar

This is How We Do It

The Result

These charts illustrate the comparison of team productivity throughout time, before and after the implementation of the Healing Mode. The successful indicator of this implementation is seen by the match line between the guideline and remaining values.

Happiness Level

Sprint 1: Team before implementing Healing Mode
Sprint 2: Team implementing Healing Mode
Sprint 3: Team successfully implement Healing Mode


If the team has a higher Happiness Level, they will finish the task early and well-qualified.

We build this system to improve our work continuously. Find something interesting? Hope you enjoy it!

