Start your career as backend developer

Feildrix Liemdra
Ralali Tech Stories
3 min readApr 5, 2021

Being one of the most wanted talent among 16k opportunities

What is a Backend Developer ?

In an example of a modern website application, a backend developer is someone who is responsible and focused on the server side application, building web service or API that handles the business logic of the application, storing and receiving data from database, or even just calling another API.

Aside from making web applications functional, backend developers are also responsible for optimizing the application for speed and efficiency. Moreover, backend developers often create a data storage solution with a database, which is a crucial component for all web applications since it stores information. Common databases include MySQL, MongoDB, and PostgreSQL.

A backend works behind the scenes that runs a website or application as the user doesn’t see it or interact directly to the system, but it is always running in the background, delivering functionality. Backend developers play a critical role in web development teams to make sure that data or services requested by the frontend are delivered properly.


Usually as a backend developer will have responsibilities such as :

  • Database design and management
  • Maintain and develop API
  • API integration
  • Security settings and hack prevents
  • Manage response time and latency

Skills Needed

  • Basic programming knowledge (algorithm, data structure error handling, OOP)
  • Backend programming language (PHP, Python, Java, Go, Javascript, Scala, etc)
  • Understanding design pattern, SOLID Principle
  • Knowledge of Database technology (SQL, NoSQL)
  • Understanding of frontend technologies like HTML and CSS
  • Understanding of RESTful API and HTTP Protocol
  • Version control system such as Git
  • Containerization (Docker, Kubernetes)
  • Communication skills, both verbal and written since backend developer will work closely with frontend developer and QA (Quality Assurance)

To start your career as a backend developer, you can pick 1 programming language, learn the basic syntax and start creating projects. If you confuse to start with what programming language, here I got some insight from stackoverflow survey 2020 for most wanted programming language.

Then you need to learn about database technology, I advise to start with MYSQL since it’s the most popular and widely used.

From the list above it’s enough to get you started as a backend developer, and if you want to step up to learn more advance as a backend developer there are more things you can learn and discover more

More advanced skills needed

  • Microservice architecture
  • gRPC
  • Caching
  • CI/CD for automate deployment
  • Message Queue


To learn more, there are some articles you can start with :

MySQL (DDL, DML statements)

HTTP Protocol


Design Pattern

Microservice Architecture



Career Growth

The opportunity as a backend is still great for the next 5 years because website and mobile-based applications will continue to grow and to have an application that is fully functional, a backend will be needed to support these applications. Having a look at a well-known job portal, there are 16k jobs open for backend developers. This shows that the demand for backend developers is quite high and it is potential to have it as your future career.

And if you are interested to join and being part of us to advance SME in Indonesia, kindly visit there are lots of opportunity here 😉

