Dumb Ass Cancer

Rally Stories
Published in
2 min readJan 28, 2013


Matt Fahey is a modern swashbuckler in every sense of the term: braving the cold and extreme elements to film such hit TV shows as Deadliest Catch and Ice Road Truckers; traveling to Afghanistan to film a documentary; guiding tourists through the Grand Canyon; doing environmental reclamation work on his beloved river; and not to mention being that “cool” uncle to his buddy John’s kid. Matt has been there, done that, and has some great stories to tell.

Yet on November 16, 2012, Matt was diagnosed with Colon Cancer -- or as he colorfully describes it: “Ass Cancer.” That evening he underwent surgery to get the tumor removed. Soon enough surgery, chemotherapy, and other costs associated with treatment began piling up. His cancer fees will ultimately reach upwards of $100,000, a cost Matt cannot cover alone.

But Matt is not alone: Matt has some great friends that are behind him. Following his surgery and before his treatment, Matt went back to Alaska to wrap up shooting the most recent season of Deadliest Catch. While away, his buddy John and cousin Chuck set up www.dumbasscancer.org and used Rally.org’s fundrasing tools to power the campain donations.

In just ten short days, with the help of a great group of friends, family, colleagues (including a couple of Alaskan Fishing Boat Captains), Matt has raised close to $22,000 that will go towards his hospital bills and costs of recovery. But Matt doesn’t see covering his medical bills as the end -- in fact, Matt believes this is just the beginning. Matt intends to continue using Rally.org after his treatment to raise money for others facing his situation to help them beat “Dumb Ass Cancer,” too.

Lets rally for Matt and beat Dumb Ass Cancer.



Rally Stories

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