It takes a crowd to make a law
Rally Stories
3 min readOct 18, 2012


With California’s legislature locked in gridlock, ballot initiatives are now the surest way to capture the will of the people and effect change. And so, across the state battles are being waged for and against these lettered and numbered proposals.

This November, Californians will be presented with eleven state-wide ballot initiatives and hundreds of local measures. Historically, ballot initiatives and measures were organized and promoted by small, focused groups of constituents. While organizational strategies remain much the same, this year organizers are embracing crowd-funding to bring awareness and capital to these initiatives online.

Here is a look at four interesting initiatives — and the crowds behind them:

The Vote: Yes on Prop 37

The site:
The Pitch:

“This fall voters in California will decide if they want the right to know what's in their food. Most of us aren't aware that the food on our shelves contains genetically engineered ingredients (GMOs) because they aren't labeled. We believe in the freedom to choose what kind of food we want to eat. Prop 37 gives us that freedom by requiring labels on GMO foods. We are raising funds today for billboard ads that inform voters of their right to know what is in their food & to vote Yes on Prop 37.”

The Results: 192 supporters contributing $14,520 towards a $15,000 fundraising goal.

The Vote: No on F

The site:
The Pitch:

“Say NO to Restore Hetch Hetchy and its deceptive "Yosemite Restoration Campaign," which is a veiled attempt to destroy the Hetch Hetchy reservoir - at a cost of billions to ratepayers and untold damage to the environment and the economy! That's why virtually every responsible public official and community leader, from Senator Feinstein to Mayor Ed Lee, opposes this measure. Vote 'No' on F!”

The Results: Over 100 California elected leaders and organizations have endorsed this campaign to say no.

The Vote: Yes on Z

The site:
The Pitch:

“Measure Z is simple. Everyone in Huntington Beach pays a tax that no one in any other city in Orange County has to pay, a tax that goes just to pay for the retirements of the workers at City Hall. Measure Z gets rid of the Pension Tax, and forces City Hall employees to pay their fair share.”

The Results: Yes on Z has not revealed their crowd-funding success yet, but has managed to score the support of many of the Huntington Beach leadership.

The Vote: Yes on S

The site:
The Pitch:

“Yes on S has two goals: taking the initiative to help people into services and limiting sidewalk encampments that keep shoppers away from our neighborhood businesses. Yes on S will prevent sitting on commercial sidewalks 7am-10pm. Outreach and referrals to city services will take place before implementation.”

The Results: Yes on S has whipped the crowd into a frenzy in Berkeley. They have received over 300 endorsements from citizens through their website, and their fundraising activities have generated many donations.


Rally Stories is an online social fundraising tool that helps anyone with a cause connect with new supporters and raise money for what matters most.