Innovative Use Digest #6: Using the Rally Discord Bot

Welcome to Innovative Use Digest #6, wherein we look at interesting use cases for Creator Coins. (Digest #5 is here.)

This week we take a look how creators are using the Rally Discord bot to create new spaces and experiences for their communities. When installed, the Rally Discord bot checks a user’s Rally account for the number of coins held or spent by a user for a particular Creator Coin, and then assigns the user any roles [and channels] for which they are eligible. You can also use the bot to send coins to other users or to the coin’s creator, and the newest feature: Auctions! ← Keep scrolling for more details.

Quick look at the numbers

To date, 65 creators have installed the bot in their Discord servers, and almost 5500 Rally accounts have connected their Discord accounts. WAXM, CRIME, ART, GROG, MOON, WALLS, GARY, BOT, ALLIE, PTM, WUX, SHLUV, and BTX each have over 100 fans connected, with PTM having over 800 total fans connected!

How the bot is being implemented

Many creators are utilizing the bot to carve out new spaces for exclusive access and content specifically for coin holders.

Allie ($ALLIE) and Nicholena ($MOON) maintained Discord servers for their Twitch communities. Now both created new Discord servers for their coin communities to host coin specific content, notably organization of gaming tournaments, as well as Creator Coin and cryptocurrency education and conversations.

Wax Motif ($WAXM) offers 4 tiers of holding benefits within his server, displaying the members of each tier in ranked order, with the Tier 4 coin holding group at the very top, essentially giving prestige in the server to this holding group. Wax notes the following benefits:

The more $WAXM you hold the higher your rank becomes and the more channels you unlock. Exclusive channels in the highest tier include direct studio feedback from Wax, members marketplace for buying and selling goods & services, CEO lounge for business advice & tips on your artist career, general portfolio growth tips + much more

Emery ($WALLS) organizes merch drops and poker nights for coin holders within Discord.

Gary ($GARY) drops various perks and offers in his Discord at different coin holding levels, such free access to analytics tools for Clubhouse, 1:1 sessions with Gary, and early looks at new content he’s producing before available to the public.

JVCKJ ($PSTL) created a private Discord video chat channel and sold “seats” to fans to join him for a live listening party and Q&A for a new single he dropped.

Giving access to people who’ve spent coin with you

While most creators try out holding based roles to get things started, eventually you can offer spend based roles to your community. For example, you can create a $100 spent role + channel where you offer first chance at new items/experiences, such as new merch, NFTs, auctions, individual and small group video chats, and whatever else you can think of that will build more value with fans who are spending your coin with you.

A couple of cool updates for the Rally Discord bot

Recently, we added a web-based admin tool and auctions to the Rally Discord bot. To use these features, you must be the Server Owner; server admins will not be able to use these features. If you’re a server owner with the Rally Discord bot installed, go to:

Rally Bot Admin Tool

There is now a web front-end to configure the Rally Discord bot. While you can still use commands (eg, !coin setup DTQ) in your Discord to configure the bot, the Rally Discord bot admin tool is just so much prettier. :)

With this tool, you can set your gates (ie, holding and spending rules) and create auctions. For more on using this admin tool, go to and click the Dashboard tab.

Did someone say auctions?!

You can now put items and experiences up for auction with the Rally Discord bot. When a user bids, the bot will check their account to ensure they have the proper funds to complete a purchase for the amount bid. When an auction has completed, you would create a private Campaign for the sale amount and send the campaign link to the auction winner to pay for the item.

For more on the auction tool, go to and click the Auctions tab.

