Rally Issues NFTs to Commemorate First Birthday

KnownUnknown Founder James Sommerville

Rally celebrated its first birthday recently by announcing the all token holder, and creators and top developers would receive one of three NFT’s from artist Dan Bird from the KnownUnknown ($KUDOS) community founded by James Sommerville.

Inspired by the spark in Rally’s recently redesigned logo, Sommerville said,

“What if we rotated the spark and saw different angles of the symbol. I got close to it and really got intimate with some of the details so that it’s like different chapters of a book as opposed to a single piece.”

Take a look at the NFTs that we’re minted and distributed just last week, and then watch a conversation with James Sommerville and Rally’s Fine Arts Director Tam Gryn

Holder NFT:

Developer NFT:

Creator NFT:

Interview with James Sommerville:

