$RLY Liquidity Provider Rewards Program

Earn $RLY as LP rewards on Uniswap and Balancer Shared Pools

Stake your LP Tokens here to earn $RLY: vaults.rally.io/liquidity

The RLY/USDC and RLY/ETH liquidity reward program will reward $RLY token holders who provide liquidity to specific Uniswap and Balancer Shared Pools. You can access these pools here:

  1. BAL RLY/USDC 90–10
  2. BAL RLY/USDC 10–90
  3. BAL RLY/ETH 90–10
  4. BAL RLY/ETH 10–90

350MM $RLY from the community token allocation have been earmarked for distribution as LP rewards. These will initially be allocated evenly across each of these pools at a total emission rate of 38 $RLY / block or roughly 7.3MM $RLY / month. Liquidity mining rewards are currently scheduled to go live at block 11068203 (~10AM pacific on 10/16/2020)

To participate, provide liquidity to any of the Balancer or Uniswap pools noted above and then visit vaults.rally.io/liquidity to deposit your LP tokens and begin earning $RLY rewards.

You can review the reward pool contract here: https://etherscan.io/address/0x9cf178df8ddb65b9ea7d4c2f5d1610eb82927230

These rewards are designed to reward users who provide liquidity for the network of Rally Creators, Brands and Fans. Remember, each Creator Coin is bonded to $RLY and can only exist when $RLY is locked into the network. Liquidity Providers enable the network to work as designed.

Useful links:

Join the community on Discord

Start delegating your yield to earn $RLY via YFI YDV

Use $RLY to provide liquidity and stake LP tokens here to earn $RLY

Vote on Snapshot

Join the discussion on Discourse

RLY Governance Token Supply

Rally Network Roadmap

