Rally Launches Community Activity Rewards

Tl;dr Beginning today, communities will earn $RLY rewards for their Creator Coin activity

Rally continues to move forward rolling out features and working with the community to deliver on the proposed community roadmap. One of the most important things on that roadmap is the distribution of rewards for driving real usage and activity of Creator Coins, Brand Coins, and any other social token on Rally. As a reminder, 50% of the total supply of $RLY is allocated to Rally Network Usage Rewards to help drive growth by rewarding those contributing to the Rally Network. To kick off Phase 4, Rally is launching: Community Activity Rewards.

Community Activity Rewards are designed to specifically reward creator communities who actively participate in the Rally Network. In the first version, these rewards will be calculated and allocated to communities hourly, split proportionally amongst the communities who hold an increased amount of Creator Coin compared to their previous 4 week hourly average. To be precise, the calculation will compare the incremental $RLY underlying the Creator Coins, and apply a square root function to that proportion before allocating the rewards, in order to help support communities of all sizes. Community Activity Rewards are calculated and awarded to the community in $RLY, the governance token of the Rally Network.

It is important to note, Community Activity Rewards are not directly distributed to individuals in the community. When a community earns rewards, the $RLY earned will be used to add additional backing to that community’s Creator Coins. As the number of $RLY backing that Creator Coin increases due to the rewards provided to that community, everyone benefits.

The creator and their existing fan community are thus 100% aligned on growing their digital economy together.

The community approved a reward allocation of 1,000 $RLY per live creator per day for Community Activity Rewards at launch. As each incremental creator is launched on rally.io, additional $RLY will be added to the reward pool. You can find more details on the system in the Community Activity Rewards FAQ, and review some of the community discussion on our Discourse.

