The divine perfume does not leave your nose; you search everywhere for its fragrance.

Ralph Wilms
Ralph Wilms
Published in
3 min readJun 22, 2023

For those who have experienced ecstatic states of deep satisfaction with higher dimensions in meditations, there is no easy way back to the triviality of ordinary existence. The divine perfume does not leave your nose; you search everywhere for its fragrance and will eventually find it in everyday life, the light-filled g blocks of existence, or your neighbor’s eyes. When you see the soul in the eyes of others, you know that you have come closer to the oneness of all beings. Everything is imbued with the same energetic signature. When we drop into this cosmic energy, we realize that our essence, our origin is not human. Transpersonal development means expanding one’s consciousness into the spaces beyond the human “persona”. Persona originally means “Mask”; the adapted part of your personality that is just about to collapse with the breakdown of the old system. This creates space for the exploration of inner realities that were previously irrelevant in a purely survival-oriented culture.

Transpersonal techniques open channels

Transpersonal techniques open channels to this higher self. They lead us into other realities, dimensions, timelines, or cosmic spaces reserved only for shamans and yogis in earlier times. These other worlds are opening up to many people through meditation, near-death experiences, lucid dreams, trance techniques, or psychoactive substances. The membranes between the worlds are becoming thinner with each passing day. One of the consequences of this is the relativization of traditional ways of life as prescribed by the respective culture, especially the relativization of the Western model of life, which is built on incessant consumption and profit maximization.

Out-of-body experiences let doubts disappear.

In higher levels of consciousness, the dual web of earthly existence loses its density, and one realizes that we are all part of a cosmic hologram. Here one experiences one’s earthly incarnation as relatively real, or that we are immortal beings at our core, inhabiting the body like a space suit but not identical to it. Out-of-body experiences, which may be a by-product of meditation, near-death experiences, or psychoactive substances, remove all doubt about the immortality of consciousness once experienced. Authentic spirituality is always based on experience. As soon as it is based on belief, closed ideological systems emerge.

Robert Gonzalves

Thoughts and feelings create all that we are.

Even if the soul incarnates again and again with a certain intention, we as humans still have much creative freedom in how we want to live in this incarnation. The degree of freedom increases massively as soon as one gains control over thoughts and feelings because these materialize with the frequency of the always same thoughts and intensity of the associated feelings. No one has formulated this law of the power of manifestation of thoughts and feelings as clearly as the Buddha.

«We are what we think. Our thoughts create all that we are. With our thoughts, we create the world. How can a confused mind understand the Way? Your worst enemy cannot harm you as much as your own uncontrolled thoughts. But once you have them under control, no one can help you more. Not even your father or mother.»Dhammapada, Buddha

When you are in control of your thoughts and feelings, you can devote yourself to inner well-being, the Samadhi states. Contentment, unconditional joy, and serenity are the emotional components beyond the thoughts and feelings programmed by culture. You don’t want to miss them in this life, not only because they can massively increase your quality of life and self-determination but also because they are the springboard from which you can move into higher vibrational, subtler dimensions, especially when the moment comes to leave your body.



Ralph Wilms
Ralph Wilms

Studies in taoistic philosophy, in various spiritual traditions. Sufism, Zen-Buddhism, Advaita Vedanta, Greek Mysticism, etc. founder of silencefinder app