Ralph Mays
@ralphmays writing
Published in
1 min readNov 29, 2014


When Jesus wanted to ask his disciples “Who do people say that I am?” and “Who do you say that I am?” he took them to a place called Caesarea Phillippi. Caesarea Phillippi was famous in Jesus’ day for a couple of things. Here was built the sanctuary to the god Pan, the god of nature and second, a cave known as the Gates of Hades, was here.

In other words, Jesus took his disciples to the “gates of hell” to ask them if they really understood who he was. He had his disciples stand in front of the gates to the underworld, in the midst of the pagan headquarters for the worship of Pan, to found his church (this is the first time the word ekklesia is used in the gospels) and to give them the keys to the kingdom.

Jesus. Thank you for reminding me time and time again that I don’t have to look for you, I just have to look at you — because you are always looking at me. And even when I seem to be staring the gates of hell in the face, may I always plant my feet with the conviction of Peter when you ask, “Who do you say that I am?” and respond that you are faithful and just, that you are my hope and my peace, and you are good.

You are enough that the gates of hell will never prevail against your Kingdom.
You will be enough today.

