Avocado Toast — To Butter Or Not To Butter?

A debate about avocado toast

Ramblings Anon


Photo by Gaby Yerden on Unsplash

I could eat avocado on toast every day.

I almost do.

But every time my partner and I have avocado on toast, the old debate resurfaces —

does butter go on an avocado toast?

Well, of course, you do you. Eat avocado toast the way you like it.

I, however, can’t stomach a buttery avocado toast. It’s fat on fat. The flavours don’t belong together.

I’m baffled by how my partner lathers butter on his avocado toast. Although, I am open to the fact that I might be weird and everyone else puts butter on their avocado toast.

How do you have your avocado toast?

Let me know in your response and end this debate once and for all!



Ramblings Anon

Neonatal RN | NZ/Māori | Writer of raps, poems, and other rambles | Lover of music, nature, animals, food, and chess ❤