“I Wish You Were Here”

A Letter To My Dad

Ramblings Anon


Photo by 贝莉儿 DANIST on Unsplash

Write about something personal and meaningful — Day 10 of 30

Hey dad,

How’s the weather up there?
It’s a beautiful sunny day today.
I wish you were here.

Guess what!
I’ll be a registered nurse in July.
I’ve got my first interview next week.
What should I say?
What should I wear?
How should I prepare?
I wish you were here.

Your story “living with MND” touched people all over the world!
People from India, South Africa, Bangladesh,
Australia, United Kingdom, and Uganda.
Someone even said they would do the challenge!
Don’t forget to send them a chocolate fish.

What’s it like up there?
Is grandad there?
Can you breathe now?
Can you walk?
I bet you’re flying!
Is your strength back?
I bet you could beat me in an arm wrestle now.
Have you got your voice back?
Can you laugh again?
Can you sing?
Play guitar?
We miss you.
We love you.
We wish you were here.



Ramblings Anon

Neonatal RN | NZ/Māori | Writer of raps, poems, and other rambles | Lover of music, nature, animals, food, and chess ❤