Keep Going

Published in
3 min readNov 8, 2021

Let’s do it!

Image Credits: Pinterest

A sports event was going on in the school. It was the month of September. Students of all grades were asked to participate in the event. It was a gala time for both students and teachers. It was a 7 days long programme. Cherry was in sixth grade. She was a medium height girl. Long hair neatly braided and a dull red spectacle on her small face made her look studious and conservative. This was her identity for her classmates. She had one friend in the class. Everyone was comfortable in their own groups. No one wanted to sneak out and make new friends. Everything was fixed. Friends and mindset.

She wasn’t much excited about the event as the fun was limited for her to her own self.

Her class was given the hurdle race. At frequent intervals on the ground, some hurdles were kept which the runner had to pass by jumping across. There were nets, wooden rods, long jump benches etc. She didn’t like this race much. But there was no option.

The day arrived. It was a cloudy day with a cool breeze making it a little shivery. The excitement, nervousness, competitiveness made the atmosphere more cold and confusing. There was hustle-bustle. Giggling, whispering, shouting, hooting and cheering, all took place simultaneously.

All her classmates including her were on the green lushy field. Parents and teachers were seated graciously. Her mother had come for her. There was a pin drop silence when the whistle was blown and everybody began to run. After crossing two hurdles, Cherry’s earring got stuck in the black net. Nets were the third hurdle. She tried to get rid of it but it was stuck badly. After a minute everybody was out of those nets except Cherry.

Image credits: Pinterest

She started feeling nervous and had tears in her eyes. She kept trying. People were looking and were curious about what would happen. She was far behind her classmates. She tried hard and finally she was free. She got up immediately and ran. Ran to finish the race. And as she took her flight, the teacher on the mike started cheering and encouraging her followed by everyone in the audience. ‘This is the spirit! Common! Good going!’ were some of them. She finished the race. Her mother was waiting on the side porch after the race. She ran and hugged her. Both said nothing. Just fainting smiles on their lips. The day was over at school.

In the evening, Cherry was applauded by her family for being such a sport. She could have made her way to the side of the race track but she didn’t. That was not even in her mind. She was there to participate and complete the race. Winning and losing were secondary.

She was proud of herself. She was happy. She wasn’t sad. She was last in the race. But still satiated.

Image Credits: Pinterest

Sometimes, certain things happen which are unexpected and unpleasant. They are beyond our control. In those times, just remember one thing, and keep saying this to yourself repeatedly,

Keep Going

Being the best in everything we do is next to impossible. But this doesn’t mean we won’t do those things in which we are not the best. Attending, participating, trying, exploring is important for building our lives.

There are times when we find ourselves alone and left behind in life, but that’s the very time when we discover our true selves like never before. ‘Who we are’ and ‘what is our potential’ is revealed when we are standing on edge.

Just remember, everything is happening for our highest good. And even when times are difficult, keep going.

