Narcissism Buzzwords.

A glossary of terms and phrases related to narcissism.

Write Mind Matters


Source: Scarlet Witch at Fanpop

Whether it’s the world’s fascination with the antics of Trump, our preoccupation with the self, social media addiction, all the self-proclaimed empaths and higher beings, or the general population’s slump in resilience; narcissists are the new psychopaths (goodbye Dr Hannibal Lecter, hello Dr Sheldon Cooper). Yes, spoiled and entitled Sheldon Cooper, a product of excessive micromanagement from a helicopter mum.

“I would have been here sooner but the bus kept stopping for other people to get on it” — Sheldon.

Photo by Michal Matlon on Unsplash

Narcissism and toxic personalities have become such popular topics they come with their own set of revived or reinvented buzzwords.

Here are a few favourites under the four most searched topics: traits, signs you’re with a narcissist, narcissist in the family, and narcissistic abuse.

Traits & Mindsets.

Object permanence/ constancy- The cognitive ability, developed between the ages of 2 and 3, that recognizes objects still exist when they’re not seen or…

