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Harmful Relationships.
Narcissist or Reinforcing Hegemonic Masculinity?
How gender constructions contribute to coercive control.
“Pressures to conform to [masculine norms] create identity crises that men resolve … through the use of violence against their partners“ — (Moore, 1994, cited in Boonzaier & De la Rey, 2003).
Research shows that when men and women in violent relationships justify and minimize the violence, they do it ways that express gendered social norms and expectations.
Narcissism is a pathological and individualistic concept of a human being, most often viewed with little context or intentions to attend to potentially damaging contextual issues.
Way too many pop psychologists are writing about narcissism without doing the research which leads to a lot of false accusations. I’m planning on reviewing all my articles on narcissism even though I did do my research, and apply new knowledge I can use to critique that research.
“Western psychology tells you you’re the problem; indigenous psychology asks you how it can be the solution.”