One last hour!

Let’s get healed.

2 min readNov 18, 2021


Image Credits: Pinterest

It was 11 PM on the wall clock. Typical square shaped and brown in color, the clock hung at the centre of the side wall. It seemed to be hundreds of years old. Yet the time was ticking perfectly. Tick. Tick. Tick. With every tick, my heart skipped half of a beat. My heart was thumping, to be precise. The clock hanging at the centre was weird. So strange that I was unable to think anything except just looking at it undisturbingly. It was 11:05 now. My mind told me- ‘That is the last hour left. Do whatever you want to. Finish your unfinished businesses. Forgive, forget and fix anything or anyone you want to. Go! Run!’

I started running wildly. I met my loved ones. Apologised. Forgave.

I met my enemies. Forgave. Apologised.

I met strangers. Wished them good luck and happiness.

I met God. Expressed gratitude and love.

I met my dearly possessions, hugged them and gave them to the ones in need.

I came back sighing in the room of the clock. It was 11: 50. My mind interrupted my chaotic breathing and said, "it’s not done yet. Something is still left."

I was terrified to hear that. What is remaining. And with 10 minutes left, how am I going to finish what’s left. I prayed to God. I prayed with all my heart. A voice spoke in my ears, ‘You haven’t met yourself yet. YOU are still left.’

I placed my right hand, palm facing my heart, eyes closed and said,

"I am love. I am child of God. I forgive myself. I love me. I am proud of myself. I am not judging myself of who am I, what I did. I am love inside out."

I peeped at the clock. It was 11:59 PM. My mind said," You are done now. Good job. I am impressed!"

I shyly smiled and said, "Thank You."

The clock chimed as it striked 12:00. Everything disappeared. There was only light everywhere. Bright light. Of Divine.

