Ramblers First Writing Prompt!

Welcome to all the new writers on Ramblers.

Ramblings Anon


Photo by SKYLAKE STUDIO on Unsplash

We have recently had a surge of new writers for the Ramblers publication, and what better way to introduce them than in a newsletter.

Gary Roberts MLIS MA APD
APD, ASD, MLIS, MA. Retired Librarian, Rehab Counselor, Antiques Dealer. Ashkenazi. Post-Stroke. I write Stuff. Ex hippie. Indie publisher: toolemerapress.com

Are All Librarians Neurodivergent?

Maxwell Jordan
I refuse to allow the negative people in life to tear me down. I will not be defeated by life, life will be defeated by my will to be happy.

A Child’s Love For A Toxic Mother

Raphael Jerome
Self-Taught Saxophonist. Traveler. Life is too short to live mediocre. Advocate For Male Mental Health!

Sensual Beauty

I would also like to take this opportunity to welcome our new writers who have not yet written stories for Ramblers.



Ramblings Anon

Neonatal RN | NZ/Māori | Writer of raps, poems, and other rambles | Lover of music, nature, animals, food, and chess ❤