Sailor’s Prophecy

H.C. Holmes
Published in
Jun 27, 2021


Nature’s colours foretell future prosperity

Photo by john ehrlich on Unsplash

Red sky at night,
sailor’s delight.

Sitting on the rocks,
bathed in glorious red.
Gentle waves lapping
upon the shore.

Leaves rustling
in the wind.
Frogs and crickets
croaking in the reeds.

Tuned in to nature,
in all her magnificent splendour.
Sharing all her secrets,
without saying a word.

Watching the clouds
roll across the sky,
Growing darker
with every mile they cover.

Wind picks up,
waves begin to crash
Upon the shore,
rain ripples upon the water.

Red sky in the morning,
sailors take warning.



H.C. Holmes

Adventurous with my thinking, dangerous with my pen.