Back to Work in the Basement

After a weekend away, back to working from a distance!

Ramblings From The Bunker


Photo by isaac jarnagin on Unsplash

That’s NOT my basement, just a picture I found. I wouldn’t work from that basement unless the Apocalypse was in full swing.

Speaking of the Apocalypse, what’s going on now must be a small taste of the fall of civilization.

Sort of Mad Max lite! I was thinking of adding spiked wheels and a steel cage around my Fiat 500 Pop! Maybe something like this:

Jomar Machado 2017

I would actually pay my pandemic Federal payment for this. $1,200 probably wouldn’t cover it though.

I have seen runs on grocery stores before when ice storms were incoming, never a shortage of toilet paper though. Maybe it would be a good idea to start stockpiling toilet paper for the real Apocalypse. I could take over small nations with my wealth of the rolls!

I was in a Walmart in Alabama this weekend, of necessity, not choice. We were there very early on Sunday morning, just as they were opening with their new pandemic hours. About a third of the customers were wearing some sort of masks, gloves or both.



Ramblings From The Bunker

Howdy. I’m Mel from Kentucky. Wanna-be writer whos is trying to do it now in my 50’s.