PAR298243(ROC1900XXXW00039)Cristina Garcia Rodero

Monkey See, Monkey Don’t

What is the point of reproduction?

Ramblings of a Mad Woman
2 min readSep 12, 2016


I love driving. The hooting, the shouting, the out-of-place politeness, the waiting, the boredom, the thrill of life and death and the angst feeling nothing or going nowhere — it’s all there. An unquestioned microcosm of our lives.

Which is what got me thinking, while I was stuck in some school traffic pile-up, why are these middle school parents driving so slowly!? Perhaps parents drive extra cautiously around their children, not necessarily to keep them safer but to protect them from their own future errors and introduce them to a life of calculated thinking and safer decisions. You know — monkey see, monkey do?

Anyway, this idea that the parental generation in our society may be the sole emanation of safety and caution, made me wonder what use children are to the world. Beside the obvious preservation of the human race and all that. Maybe the only reason we have a moral compass is to guide the little ones. Perhaps all hope isn’t lost as long as they’re around.

Do you also get a sick feeling in your stomach if you see someone throw a baby doll on the floor? Just don’t hurt the kids, please not the kids. The kids, the kids, the kids. Anyone, please just don’t harm the kids. It’s how we’re wired, most of us at least, and I’m not entirely sure is for the preservation of our race. More consumption monsters would hardly be beneficial to the evolution of man. But a conscious generation? A wiser generation that makes calculated compromises and builds on humanities legacy rather than their own? Well, I see that.

Why would we choose to believe that our role is to create better beings if we can believe that we are alright and we need more kids like us? We simply don’t. It’s not leading by example that will save us, it’s learning from our mistakes. A predetermined lesson from a prehistoric act is one of the greatest gifts you can give a child.

Would it be so bad if this was true?


